Key College

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【简介】 Key College

【专业】 Key College

  • Key College相关问题

    sql server中建表的时候怎么在一列里面去引用另一列,求大神帮忙看看这段代码该怎么该啊

    create table CollegeInformation(CollegeId char(4) primary key);
    create table SpecialitiesInformation(SpecialitiesId char(4) primary key);
    create table StudentInformation(
    StudentId char(8) primary key,
    Name varchar(10) not null,
    Gender char check(Gender in ( '男','女')),
    Birthday datetime,
    Age int,
    Tel int,
    CollegeId char(4)foreign key(CollegeId) references
    SpecialitiesId char(4)foreign key(SpecialitiesId)
     references SpecialitiesInformation(SpecialitiesId),
     Class CHAR(2),
     IdentityId int,
    constraint ck_Birthday  check(Age=getdate()-Birthday),
     Address varchar(20)

  • 英语口语考试试题,帮忙看下

    1. well. I think the key factor to help people learn English as a foreign language is take more interest and less interests. 嗯,我认为帮助一个人学习英语的关键因素是:少一些功利主义的追求,多一些不为什么的坚持。

    2. Good question! I have some problem in learning English, such as , I have a little chance to talk with a foreigner ,that made me very agony。 好问题,在英语学习中我遇到很多问题,比如,很少能与外国人交流,这让我很苦恼。

    3. Great!I LOVE my  current major very much。I need not tochoose again。 我现在很喜欢我的这个专业,不需要换另一个。(你懂的,哈哈~~)

    4. Handwriting. It is very necessary for my education and  training. 书法,它对我的教育和修养都很有必要。

    5. Our university which is  the ideal in learning and living。I TINGK.我想我们的大学是我最理想的大学(你懂的~~)

    6. 下面自己发挥吧  希望对您有点用~~


  • 《 The Importance of college degree》英语论文

    The Importance of college degree

    The Importance of college degree

  • .sql为扩展名的文件导入到SQL server中出错怎么改

    第一句应该是要判断 如果系统中没有smsdb就创建数据库smsdb吧?
    if not exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='smsdb')
    create database smsdb
    或者更严谨一点 就要这样写
    if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='smsdb')
    drop database smsdb
    create database smsdb

  • Key College相关资讯



    多大international foundation program

    ifp课程由大学的文理学院faculty of arts and science和应用科学和工程学院facult of applied sencence and engineering所开设,学生在主校区圣乔治校区st. george campus的new college内上课。成功完成ifp项目之后可以进入多伦多大学入读文理学院、工程学院、建筑景观设计学院和音乐学院。多伦多大学的ifp项目分为fall/winter ifp和summer ifp,fall/winter ifp时长是8个月,9月开学,第二年4月毕业,summer ifp时长是8周,学习时间是从7月-8月,但是完成后不能进入工程学院及罗特曼商学院,并且只提供给高中毕业﹙没上大学﹚的学生,这个是不能申请的,由学校自动评估录取。fall/winter ifp学生必修4门学术语言课程 1门本科相关课程 1门本科学分课程

    ubc①cap, 雅思 6.0(5.5)【7月开学,学习 8周 , 1 ,5,9开学,学习 16周】主校区 该项没有专业限制,但商科不建议尝试,基本录不了②vantage college 桥梁课,雅思 5.5(s/l 5.0,r/w 5.5)【8月开学,学 11 个月】主校区 年的预科,通过在 vantage college 1年学习,文学院或理学院学习大二课程,本地学生不能申请③okanagan campus 雅思 5.0﹙4.5﹚ 【语言 1 月,正课 9月】奥肯那根校区

    韦仕敦大学本科双录取1.韦仕敦大学本科双录取项目名称:academic english program项目时长: 4-16个月适合专业:不限专业语言要求:根据入学测试分配等级2.双录取项目名称:english boost program项目时长: 9周,7月初开课语言要求:托福 69﹙写作20﹚ 或者 雅思5.5﹙写作6.0﹚①welc-boost 雅思 5.5(写作 6.0) 【7 开学,学习 9 周 (通过 ouac 申请)】 ②welc-aep 最低语言要求【1/5/9开学,5.5是 4个月,5.0是 8个月 (通过 welc 申请)】其他双录取:此外韦仕敦大学也与范莎学院、 culturework语言中心合作提供无最低语言要求双录取项目西大国王学院①本校语言,快速通道-雅思 6.0(5.5)【7开课,6 周语+1周桥梁】②本校语言,key 预科-雅思 5.5(写作 5.5 其他 5.0)【8 开课,8 个(强化英语+2.0学分)】③iceap 语言学校,可以 0 语录取, k-bridging 雅思 6.0(写作 5.5)【1,5,9开课,学习 16周女王大学1.直录,雅思 6.5﹙6.0﹚2.双录取(最低需要雅思 5.5,小分 5.0)①q-bridge eap 雅思 5.5(5.0) 【9 开学,六个等级,共两期9-12月,1-4月。 2 期 eap 年】 每期学费4800加适合专业:仅开设 faculty of arts and science,faculty of engineering and applied science;②q-bridge accelerated 雅思 6.0(5.5)/托福 80【 7开学,8.5周】四种专业选择:qbridge applied science, qbridge arts, qbridge computing, and qbridge science.9550加以上通过考试后才可进入本科学习。文理工程类双录,商科教育学护理没有麦克马斯特大学本科双录取麦克麦斯特大学本科双录取项目名称: mcmaster english language development diploma项目时长: 8个月适合专业:针对主校区所有学院学 费: $24,500 ﹙including supplementary student fees﹚语言要求:托福 70 或者 雅思 5.0项目课程:一共上 10门课,8门英语类课程,2门学分类课程约克大学双录取(可以 0 雅思录取,ap+yub)①桥梁--5.0 (写作 5.0)学习 8个月(语言和最多 9 个学分结合)②直通车 dy--5.5 学习 4个月 5 月读(国内读两个月加拿大两个月)③直通车 dy--6.0 学习 8周( 6 月入读 /9月正课、10月入读/1正月课、3月入读/5月正课

  • 2019年北京市海淀区高三二模英语试卷+内容评析





    东城区重点示范校 刘凯老师








    第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。


    To me, the most beautiful thing is the ocean. It is beautiful because it has a calming effect. When 1 (listen) to the sound of the waves, I feel peaceful. 2 the age of 10, I went to the beach for the first time. With my feet in the water, I felt totally relaxed, and the sound of the ocean really 3 (comfort)me. From then on, I often dream of floating in the ocean, feeling care free.


    Discovering yourself plays 4 important role in inspiring your confidence. By doing so, you could know 5 you are weak in. And you may also realize you’re quite a great person with great strengths. So when you’re in a hard situation, you will believe in 6 (you) and spend the most difficult time with confidence. Otherwise you may give up and then lose everything. Therefore, the ability 7 (trust) yourself will decide your future a lot.


    The year 2018 marks the 40thanniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. The past four decades has seen China shift its society from a farmers’ community toa digital culture 8 (successful). Under the leadership of CPC, many 9 (achievement) can be seen in every field. The life of the Chinese people has improved, with millions of people being lifted out of poverty. The country now has the world’s 10 (large) high-speed rail network. And with around 800 million Internet users, China has become the world’s fastest-growing online shopping market.



    第一节 语法填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,共15分

    listening 2.At 3. comforted 4. an

    5. what 6. yourself

    7. to trust 8. successfully

    9. achievements 10. largest



    I was studying chemistry at college because my family thought it was the key to success. One day, my professor took me aside and asked a very simple question, “Why are you in my class when it’s obvious that you have little or no 11 in chemistry?”

    I came up with an explanation by 12 pressure from my dad, but he knew it was justa an 13 excuse. He gave me the following advice.

    “Success can only be measured by oneself, and each of us is 14 . Your success will not be the same as mine, as your neighbor’s or your parents’. There is no secret formula(公式), no examination you have to 15 , and no guarantee, but there is a secret in gredient— 16 . To be successful in life in the broadest sense, you must pursue your passion. 17 it is fixing cars or exploring the world, you must be passionate about your 18 and set a path to achieve it. Only then will you find true 19 .”

    Since I was just nineteen years old, that was pretty profound advice to 20 , but I knew instinctively (本能地) that he was 21 .I made a conscious self-examination of my short life to 22 where my passion was hiding. It was so 23 that even my kid sister could have told me my true passion was music. It was in my genes. I could play the piano by ear, but had 24 considered music as a hobby.

    I’m now fifty-four years old, and a very happy and 28 man. As I look at the walls of my small office, I still get a thrill at seeing the records I 29 ,the photos of the famous musicians I was lucky enough to play with, and the praises from many of the finest instrumentalists in the world who I am honored to call my friends.Could I be a successful musician?Or a song writer? Or a music critic? There was only one way to find out, so I took my professor’s 25 and switched to the university’s music school. I studied harmony and composition, learned how to play a clarinet(单簧管) and 26 the symphony orchestra. I felt as though I was on top of the world, and that 27 has never left me.

    Life was a long journey, and not a/an 30 one, but I followed my passion and succeeded.







    11. A. achievement B. doubt

    C. interest D.belief

    12. A. blaming B. gathering

    C. overcoming D. reducing

    13. A. accurate B. weak

    C. direct D. innocent

    14. A. different B.perfect

    C. honest D.creative

    15. A. design B. pass

    C.control D. stand

    16. A. knowledge B.confidence

    C. passion D. effort

    17. A. Unless B. Because

    C.While D. Whether

    18. A. study B. need

    C.goal D. gift

    19. A. fortune B. friendship

    C.characterD. happiness

    20. A. confirm B. absorb

    C. remember D. seek

    21. A. sensitive B. generous

    C.kind D. right

    22. A. choose B. report D. follow

    23. A. likely B. obvious

    C. popular D.practical

    24. A. only B. even

    C. never D. seldom

    25. A. message B.lecture

    C. advice D. view

    26. A. helped B. started

    C. hosted D. joined

    27. A. feeling B. experience

    C.expression D. appreciation

    28. A. independent B.patient

    C. brave D. contented

    29. A. bought B. made

    C. received D. copied

    30. A. easy B. good

    C. ordinary D. safe


    第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B

    16. C 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. B

    21. D 22. C 23. B 24.A 25. C

    26. D 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. A









    Everyone at Pacsafe is always eager to get out in the world and enjoy new cultures, food, and experiences. With that inmind we asked a few of our top travel bugs for their best travel destination recommendations for 2019. They also included their favorite Pacsafe bag to take on the trip. Enjoy and hopefully get some ideas for your own globe-trotting adventure.


    Sri Lanka---Alison Hanko, Global Marketing Director

    I’m going to Sri Lanka this summer holiday and can’t wait. It’s close to Hong Kong where I live and I’ve always wanted to go. The food is supposed to be amazing. It seems really relaxing and I really want to do the Kandy to Badulla train ride, which looks just stunning. We’ve booked a good mix of beaches, some time in a safari tent to hopefully see elephants in the wild.

    For my bag, I’ll most likely take the Quiksilver 40L Pack because it has the built-in wet pack for my bikinis. It’s also a great size for a week-long trip in a warm climate.

    斯里兰卡——Alison Hanko,全球市场总监


    我的包,我很可能会采取Quiksilver 40L包,因为它有内置湿包为我的比基尼。对于在温暖的气候下进行为期一周的旅行来说,这也是一个很好的尺寸。

    Japan---Ben Barras, Creative Director

    Japan is definitely my best travel destination recommendation. The culture, the streets, the architecture, the inspiration you get from all of that is amazing. The food is also fascinating.It’s where I’m most planning to go. Tokyo obviously, but also visiting the mountains. You can go snow boarding, which I haven’t done for years.

    I have a Vibe 25L Backpack which you can pack a lot in. The thing I like most about it is that it’s compact, but still fits plenty in. I’ll pair that up with a larger travel bag for the rest of my things and use the backpack to get around day to day.

    日本——本·巴拉斯(Ben Barras),创意总监


    我有一个Vibe 25L背包,你可以装很多。我最喜欢它的地方是它很小巧,但仍然很合身。我会把它和一个更大的旅行袋放在一起,用来装我的其他东西,然后用这个背包每天四处走动。

    Berlin---Phil Hayes, Executive VP of Global Design

    For me, it’s definitely Berlin. I’m particularly excited about the fashion, which I hear is pretty full on. Also the art galleries and history. Food, night life. Everything I’ve heard about Berlin is pretty cool, so I’m going to suck as much as I can out of it. World’s Global Style Network had the Berlin shopping list that came out recently, so I’m going to follow that through as well.

    Bag wise, it will be the Quiksilver X Collab Bag.It’s the 25L Anti-theft Backpack. It’s normally my go-to bag for city trips because it’s super easy to lock on the plane and in bars, and it’s just the right amount of space.


    对我来说,这绝对是柏林。我对时装特别感兴趣,我听说它很流行。还有美术馆和历史。食物,夜生活。我所听到的关于柏林的一切都很酷,所以我要尽可能地从中吸取教训。World 's Global Style Network最近发布了柏林的购物清单,所以我也会继续跟进。

    包明智,它将是Quiksilver X合作袋。这是25L的防盗背包。它通常是我在城市旅行时的必备品,因为锁在飞机上和酒吧里都超级容易,而且空间恰到好处。

    31. Which of thePacsafe bag is a good choice for beach travel?

    A. The Quiksilver 40L Pack.

    B. The Vibe 25L Backpack.

    C. The Quiksilver X Collab Bag.

    D. 25L Anti-theft Backpack.

    32. If you are interestedin fashion, which destination should you choose?

    A. Sri Lanka. B. Japan.

    C. Hong Kong. D. Berlin.

    33. What can you enjoyin all the three places mentioned?

    A. Beautiful beaches.

    B. Amazing food.

    C. Fascinating art.

    D. Coolsnowboarding.

    34. The main purposeof the passage is to ________.

    A. share personal travelling experiences

    B. offer practical tipson taking adventure

    C. present cultures in different countries

    D. recommend favorable travel destinations


    On March 25, 2010, Kate and David heard the words every parent dreads: Their new born wasn’t going to make it.Their twins—a girl and a boy—were born two minutes apart and 14 weeks premature, weighing just over two pounds each. Doctors had tried to save the boy for 20 minutes but saw no improvement. His heartbeat was nearly gone, and he’d stopped breathing. The baby had just moments to live.

    “I saw him gasp (喘息), but the doctor said it was nouse,” Kate told theDaily Mail five years later. “I know it sounds stupid, but if he was still gasping, that was asign of life. I wasn’t going to give up easily.”

    Still, the couple knew this waslikely a goodbye. In an effort to cherish her last minutes with the tiny boy,Kate asked to hold him.

    “I wanted to meet him, and for him to know us,” Kate told Today. “We’d resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to lose him, and we were just trying to make the most of those last, precious moments.”

    Kate unwrapped the boy, whom the couple had already named Jamie, from his hospital blanket and asked David to take his shirt off and join them in bed. The first-time parents wanted their son to be as warm as possible and hoped the skin-to-skin contact would improve his condition. They also talked to him.

    “We were trying to persuade him to stay,” Kate told the Daily Mail. “We explained his name and that he had a twin that he had to look out for and how hard we had tried to have him.”

    Then something miraculous happened. Jamie gasped again—and then he started breathing. Finally, he reached for his father’s finger.

    The couple’s lost boy had made it.

    “We’re the luckiest people in the world,” David told Today.

    Eight years later, Jamie and his sister, Emily, are happy and healthy. The couple only recently told the kids the story of their birth. “Emily burst into tears,” Kate said. “She was really upset, and she kept hugging Jamie. This whole experience makes you cherish them more.”











    35. What can we learn about the newborn babies?

    A. The boy’s heart had stopped beating.

    B. The boy was 2 minutes older than the girl.

    C. The twins were born 14 weeks before the due date.

    D. The twins were expected to live for only 20 minutes.

    36. When the couple knew they would lose the boy, they ________.

    A. begged the doctor to save him

    B. took his shirt off and then put him in bed

    C. wrapped him with his blanket to keep him warm

    D. talked to him and made close physical contact with him

    37. What’s the best title for thepassage?

    A. The Power of Hug.

    B. The Miracle of Love.

    C. The Bond Between Twins.

    D.The Responsibility of Parents.


    It’s common knowledge that the woman in Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painting seems to look back at observers, following them with her eyes no matter where they stand in the room. But this common knowledge turns out wrong.

    A new study finds that the woman in the painting is actually looking out at an angle that’s 15.4 degrees off to the observer’s right—well outside of the range that people normally believe when they think someone is looking right at them. In other words, said the study author, Horstmann, “She’s not looking at you.”This is somewhat ironic, because the entire phenomenon of a person’s gaze (凝视)in a photograph or painting seeming to follow the viewer is called the “MonaLisa effect” . That effect is absolutely real, Horstmann said. If a person is illustrated or photographed looking straight ahead, even people viewing the portrait from an angle will feel they are being looked at. As long as the angleof the person’s gaze is no more than about 5 degrees off to either side,the Mona Lisa effect occurs.

    This is important for human interaction with on-screen characters. If you want someone off to the right side of a room to feel that a person on-screen is looking at him or her, you don’t cut the gaze of the character to that side—surprisingly, doing so would make an observer feel like the character isn’t looking at anyone in the room at all. Instead, you keep the gaze straight ahead.

    Horstmann and his co-author were studying this effect for its application in the creation of artificial-intelligence avatars(虚拟头像) when Horstmann took a long look at the “Mona Lisa” and realized she wasn’t looking at him.

    To make sure it wasn’t just him, the researchers asked 24 people to view images of the “Mona Lisa” on a computer screen. They set a ruler between the viewer and the screen and asked the participants to note which number on the ruler intersected Mona Lisa’s gaze. To calculate the angle of Mona Lisa’s gaze as she looked at the viewer, they moved the ruler farther from or closer to the screen during the study. Consistently, the researchers found, participants judged that the woman in the “MonaLisa” portrait was not looking straight at them, but slightly off to their right.

    So why do people repeat the belief that her eyes seem to follow the viewer? Horstmann isn’t sure. It’s possible, he said,that people have the desire to be looked at, so they think the woman is looking straight at them. Or maybe the people who first coined the term “Mona Lisaeffect” just thought it was a cool name.

    众所周知,列奥纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)最著名的画作中的女人,无论站在房间的哪个角落,似乎都会回头看着观察者,用她的眼睛跟随他们。但事实证明,这种常识是错误的。






    38. It is generally believed that the woman in the painting “Mona Lisa”___________.

    A. attracts the viewers to look back

    B. seems mysterious because of her eyes

    C. fixes her eyes on the back of the viewers

    D. looks at the viewers wherever they stand

    39. What gaze range in apainting will cause the Mona Lisa effect?

    40. The experiment involving 24 people was conducted to______.

    A. confirm Horstmann’s belief

    B. create artificial-intelligence avatars

    C. calculate the angle of Mona Lisa’s gaze

    D. explain how the Mona Lisa effect can beapplied

    41. What can we learn fromthe passage?

    A. Horstmann thinks it’s cool to coin the term “Mona Lisa effect”.

    B. The MonaLisa effect contributes to the creation of artificial intelligence.

    C. Feeling being gazed at by Mona Lisa may be caused by the desire for attention.

    D. The positionof the ruler in the experiment will influence the viewers’ judgement.


    What a Messy Desk Says About You

    For some time, psychologists have been studying how personality traits affect health and health-related choices. Not surprisingly, they have found that people blessed with innate conscientiousness, meaning that they are organized and predictable, typically eat better and live longer than people who are disorderly.They also tend to have immaculate offices.

    What has been less clear is whether neat environments can produce good habits even in those who aren’t necessarily innately conscientious. To find out, researchers at the University of Minnesota conducted a series of experiments. In the first experiment, they randomly assigned a group of college-age students to spend time in two office spaces, one of which was very neat, the other wildly cluttered (乱堆) with papers and other work-relatedstuff. The students spent their time filling out questionnaires unrelated to thestudy. After 10 minutes, they were told they could leave with an apple or a chocolate bar. Those students who sat in the orderly office were twice as likely to choose the apple as those who sat among the mess.

    A second experiment, however, found that working in chaos has its advantages, too. In this one, college students were placed in a messy or a neat office and asked to dream up new uses for Ping-Pong balls. Those in messy spaces generated ideas that were significantly more creative, according to two independent judges, than those in offices where stacks of papers and other objects were neatly arranged.

    The results were something of a surprise, says Dr. Vohs, the leader of the study. Few previous studies found much virtue in disorder. The broken window theory, proposed decades ago, holds that even slight disorder and neglect can encourage in difference and poor discipline.

    But in the study byDr. Vohs, disordered offices encouraged originality and a search for novelty. In the final portion of the study, adults were given the choice of adding a health “boost” to their lunchtime smoothie that was labeled either “new” or“classic.” The volunteers in the messy space were far more likely to choose the new one; those in the tidy office generally chose the classic version.

    “Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition,” Dr. Vohs and her co-authors conclude in the study,“which can produce fresh insights.”

    The implications of these findings are also practical. “My advice would be, if you need to think outside the box for a future project”, Dr. Vohssays, “then let the clutter rise and free your imagination. But if your primary goal is to eat well or to go to the gym, pick up around your office first. By doing this, the naturally messy can acquire some of the discipline of the conscientious.”









    42. The underlined word “immaculate” inparagraph 1 probably means ______.

    A. messy B. tidy

    C.terrible D. comfortable

    43. Which ofthe following can best explain the broken window theory?

    A. Chaos begets chaos.

    B. Misfortunemay be an actual blessing.

    C. Bad news has wings.

    D.When a door shuts, a window opens.

    44. Which ofthe following will Dr. Vohs probably agree with?

    A. More virtue exists in organized people.

    B. Creativity results from tidiness anddiscipline.

    C. Disorderly surroundings help to create newideas.

    D. Workers’ good habits guarantee the successof a project.

    45.What can we conclude from the study results?

    The naturallyneat people tend to be very creative.A messy officewill cause quite low working efficiency.Environments canaffect people’s way of thinking and behavior.People’spersonalities are determined by their working environments.参考答案:


    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)

    31. A 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. C

    36. D 37. B 38. D 39. B 40. A

    41. C 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. C



    Exam Anxiety

    Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been studying hard for your midterm, but when you walk into your exam, your mind goes blank, your heart races fast, you get sweaty palms and find it hard to breathe. 46

    Everyone feels stressed during exams. Usually, it results from a fear of failure, lack of adequate preparation time and bad experiences taking tests in the past. This is normal and often helps you work harder, think faster and generally improve your performance. 47 You may also feel that other people are managing the exam better than you. This can cause you to feel that your mind has “gone blank” on information you know you have revised.

    48 Some choose to ignore the problem, while others don’t review because they think they will do badly anyway and even miss exams due to the anxiety. It can also be really easy to think that if you don’t try and then you fail, you won’t feel as bad as if you fail after trying really hard.

    So what can you do to fight against the negative mind set and stay calm before and during your test? 49 Yes,this seems obvious, but it’s worth repeating. If you feel confident that you’ve prepared thoroughly, you’ll feel more confident walking into the test. The second tip is simple: just start. The blank page can maximize your anxiety. 50 You can always go back and change things later if needed, but a few quick answers can get the ball rolling. Besides, allocating(分配) your time is equally important. Look through the whole test before getting started. Mentally allocate how much time you’ll spend on each section. If there’s time to recheck, even better.

    A. The first thing you should do is to be prepared.

    B. People often deal with exam stress in many unhelpful ways.

    C. If these classic signs of exam anxiety sound familiar, you’re not alone!

    D. Therefore,people need an appropriate amount of pressure to help deal with exams.

    E. Realizing time is almost up and that there’s still a lot of blank space will make you desperate.

    F. However, if you are overly anxious about the result, you may be unable to focus on your work.

    G. After you getthe paper, dive right in by getting some questions done to build up your confidence.



    46. C 47. F 48. B 49. A 50. G



    假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,得知2020年第18届世界中学生运动会(World MiddleSchool Games) 将在中国福建晋江举行,组委会正面向全国招募志愿者。请写一封申请信,内容包括:

    1. 申请理由;2. 自身优势;3. 表达期待。

    注意:1. 词数不少于50;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear Sir/Madam,



    Li Hua


    第二节(20 分)




    参考答案及评分标准2019. 5




































    One Possible Version

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am Li Hua, a Senior 3 student in Hongxing MiddleSchool. Learning that you are recruiting volunteers for the coming 18th WorldMiddle School Games in Jinjiang, Fujian, in 2020, I am writing to apply forthis position.

    As a super fan of sports, I am eager to expose myself in various sports-related activities. World Middle School Games is sucha golden opportunity to meet the outstanding teenagers worldwide that I really don’t want to miss it. In addition, the voluntary service will offer a preciouschance to contribute to our society, which appeals to me very much.

    I believe I am a qualified candidate. A good command of English ensures that I can communicate with the foreign athletes effectively.Moreover, with my love and knowledge for sports as well as Chinese history andculture, I can fulfill my role not only as a successful coordinator but also acultural ambassador to spread the splendid Chinese culture.

    I am longing tojoin you and I would be grateful if you could offer me the opportunity. Thank you for your consideration.


    Li Hua



    二、内容要点:1. 看到通知;2.参观展览;3. 动手实践;4. 合影留念;








































    One Possible Version

    Last week,our class participated in an extra curricular activity on paper culture, which was really an unforgettable experience.

    On Monday morning, some classmates and I noticed an announcement on the school bulletin board, saying an activity on paper culture would be held in the Capital Museum.Attracted by it, we signed up without any hesitation.

    The activity started on Friday with a visit to the exhibition in the museum. Following the guide, we learned about the origin and development of paper and the detailed process of paper making. What especially impressed us was how paper contributed to the preservation and spread of human civilization.

    After that, we had some hands-on experience in making paper handicrafts. Divided into different groups, we learned with great enthusiasm. With the help of a master working there, the group of boys managed to create some paper cuts and lanterns while the girls tried different foldingpatterns, such as hearts, stars and birds. Not until then did we fully realize that paper can be made into so many objects in our life, either decorative or functional.

    Before we left, we took a group photo to record the day. With the little pieces of workin our hands, we smiled heartily to the camera. At that moment, I came to know that the wisdom of our ancestors shown in paper culture should definitely be honored, recorded and passed down.

  • 加拿大留学:滑铁卢大学的衣食住行详解


    滑铁卢有华人超市,就在学校plaza里面,中国商品非常全的超市大白汇,非常方便。各种在当地超市买不到的材料在这里都可以买到。比如八角,大料,火锅底料,各式中国汤料等。逢年过节还可以买到 月饼,粽子之类的中国点心,很能缓解思乡之情。

    如果远一点去kicthener的新城 (New City Market) 或者即将开业的大统华超市,基本上所有的中国产品都可买到。

    加拿大四季分明,气候类似于中国的大连、沈阳。因为加拿大的气候随着季节的变化 而变化。尽管冬天教室有暖风,夏天有空调,你仍需要不同季节的衣服。准备春天和夏天穿的单薄衣服和在春秋季雨天穿的夹克和防雨布衣服,还有冬天穿的大衣, 手套,帽子。

    滑铁卢冬天风雪较大,建议带至少1件厚一点的羽绒服。秋衣秋裤在加拿大较少人会穿着, 不过对于过冬来说,是很好的选择。夹克之类的,稍微薄一点的长袖可以多备几件,春秋的时候穿。滑铁卢夏天天气很好,不会像国内一般闷热,但是教室里因为空调开的很大,所以会有点冷。

    春季: 3 月—6 月


    夏季: 6 月—9 月

    夏天通常相对炎热。 7-8 月之间,气温升高,伴随着潮湿气候。

    秋季: 9 月—11 月

    9 月温暖的气候在以后的几个月变冷,可能遇到大风或雨季。

    冬季: 11 月—3 月



    对于2+2的同学来说,因为都是高年级生,所以可以选择的住宿地有:Columbia Lake Village-South, UW Place,Minota Hagey里的VeloCity 以及3个University College Residences。

    UWP 和几个College Residences 离学校很近,其他较远。V1、REV 和College 的住宿捆绑Meal plan,就是必须交纳伙食费,吃食堂供应的伙食;其他的Residence 可以选择是否签Meal plan,Meal plan 有三种标准,费用有差别。不签Meal plan 的需要自己饭或者去餐馆吃(每天去餐馆肯定费用比较高)。学校内的住宿比较紧张,需要提前申请,关于申请截止时间、食宿费用、宿舍设施以及其他具体细节可以在校内住宿网站找到。

    Residence fees.

    Meal plan fees.


    University College Residences

    Renison University CollegeSt. Paul’s University CollegeSt. Jerome’s UniversityColumbia Lake Village-South

    CLV是一个别墅 (townhouse)组成的学生住宅区。这个住宅区为学生提供安全舒适的居住环境,来自不同国家的学生以及学生家庭居住在此,因此具有浓郁的国际氛围。

    Columbia Lake Village-South主要为一年级生,高年级生以及交换生提供住宿地,这个社区由有四间房组成的联体别墅组成,总共有400名学生。

    CLV-south不提供meal plan,可以自己做饭。 此全部装修过的townhouse拥有

    一个洗手间四个单人间,包括:单人床衣柜梳妆台书桌,台灯,椅子网络连接(高速网络包括在你的住宿费里)房间尺寸:3.4m*2.8m拥有冰箱和炉子的厨房起居室(包括桌椅,电视连接装置)餐厅(包括餐桌和4张餐椅)小天井储藏室书架,垃圾桶和软木公告板CLV-South townhouse基本图片集:




    UW Place (UWP)


    若住在UWP的话,meal plan是可选择的,你可以选择买也可以选择不买。

    UWP由不同的Hall和courts组成,它们是Beck Hall, Eby Hall, Wellesley, Wilmot, Waterloo and Woolwich Courts。

    快速了解 UWP房间形式及配备家具

    每层楼有20-50名学生,同时拥有一个DonDon 是由学生担任的管理者

    一年级生几乎和同性住高年级学生可以选择混住每一层楼都是男女混住的可选择的meal plan单人床(有床垫)衣橱和梳妆台书桌,台灯和椅子垃圾桶高速网连接可接收有线电视系统拥有冰箱,炉子,桌子和椅子的厨房一个卫生间拥有两个茶几和两到三张椅子的起居室有线电视接收系统房间格局示意图。

    Velocity-Minota Hagey

    Minota Hagey 在08年的春季学期进行了改革,在滑铁卢大学里,这是一个特别的宿舍。这个宿舍可以被视为培育优等生的摇篮,学生们在此学习,生活并且完成与电子通信,网页,新传媒有关的项目。




    快速了解 Minota Hagey (MH)房间形式及配备家具




    滑铁卢大学官网上专门有一个板块是介绍 Off Campus Housing 的,在这个板块里,同学们可以寻找校外的房子信息,同时可以上传自己要转租的信息。


    进入Off Campus Housing 后会出现以下页面。点击Searching Listings并选择Kitchener/Waterloo Area即可搜索到相应的房源信息。同学们可以通过点击搜索结果了解房子的基本信息,然后通过Email或者电话的方式和房主联系。 若同学们对房子的基本地理条件,房租或者是室友条件有要求的话,也可以通过Advanced Search来选择符合条件的房子。

    有的时候,同学们也会需要转租自己的房子,此时点击Sublet Board即可查询住房信息或者是上传自己的转租信息。

    KW地区比较著名的学生公寓租房公司有:wcri,kw for rent,luxe,rez1等。

    值得注意的是如果是跟私人的房东签约需要对合约的内容仔细检查看是否会有漏洞。正规的私人房东都会有KW地区颁发的合法租房证件,对于这些房屋,每年政府都会派专人检查其房屋结果,安全措施看是否会有安全的隐患。此外,还需要注意合同的期限,是否允许转租,以及是否包含家具等。因为提前终止合同会有很高的penalty,所以务必在签约之前与房东协商好。另外学校slc地下一层的Off Campus Housing Offic可以帮忙检查看合同是否valid,对于初来waterloo的同学很有帮助.



    KW地区的公车系统叫Grand River Transit (GRT). UW和LAURIER的学生可以持WatCard免费乘坐。经过学校的公车路线有:7,8,9,12,13,29,31路以及特 快专线ixpress 201,200。这里的公交车是有自己的时刻表,说明到站时间。时刻表可以在 SLC一层拿到,或者在公车上领取。也可以在网上查询时刻表。

    公交车站牌上都有stop number,可以拨打电话,根据语音查询时间。或者发短信stop number(站牌号码后4位)到57555。如果在googlemaps上查询可以获得更具体的路线。

    另外用Iphone手机的同学可以下载一个叫Next GRT 这个app,用安卓手机的同学可以下载一个叫GRT的app,这个软件可以方便的查询下一班公交车的时间。


    位于SLC lower level 的UW Bike Centre为同学们提供修理自行车的服务。

    没有自行车的同学,可以从SLC的TurnkeyDesk租借自行车(只有一天)。另外,学校里有一个UW Yellow Bike Program,你可以长期租借自行车。一个学期的费用是25加币(四个月)。网址为:Bike Centre




    Shuttle service(校车接送服务)


    Shuttle Service时间:一周七天,每天7pm-2am,全年提供。

    Shuttle Service是UW提供的一项免费接送服务司机会在指定的校内地点等你并把你送到校内终点站Shuttle(校车)会配备无线电和手电筒司机可以通过蓝色荧光背心来辨认On campus shuttle:

    两辆车,每辆车限坐五个人指定的校内停靠站点包括Columbia Lake Village和UW PlaceOff campus shuttle:

    两辆车,每辆车限坐五个人最远距离包括:Columbia Street & Fischer-Hallman, to Parkside Drive & Weber Street,to Weber Street & Erb Street, to Erb Street and Fischer-HallmanGo Transit (Go Bus)

    每日发车的交通服务,主要经过城市,Mississauga, Milton & Aberfoyle, 此车次连接西安大略的主要交通枢纽。

    车票可在Turnkey Desk购买。车站在Davis Centre (ring road)前,有明显的车站牌。到Square One后,可以通过easy quick connection到多伦多Person International Airport。Greyhound Bus(灰狗大巴)


    车票可在Turnkey Desk购买(用watcard可以打折),也可以在Greyhound 官网购买,自己打印电子车票乘车。车站在UW校园的Burt Matthews Hall(ring road)前,不过这里一天只有2-3趟车,到Kitchener Train Station(坐200路可到达)能乘坐更多班次的车。到达Toronto Bus Terminal(610 Bay Street)。Coach Canada


    除官网购票外,也可在Turnkey Desk购买 (每天24小时,每周七天都可购买)。车票也可从司机手里购买。车站在Burt Matthews Hall(ring road)和South Campus Hall(ring road)前。到达McMaster University (Main & Emerson) 和Hamilton Transportation Terminal (Hunter Street)。Fed Bus


    除官网购票外,也可在SLC的Federation of Students可以购票。UW车站:Davis Centre前的ring road。在多伦多的车站:York Mills Station, Square One, Scarborough Town Centre, Islington Station, Downsview Kiss N' Ride, Brampton Shoppers WorldAirways Transit Airporter Service

    从SLC到Person International Airport的服务。

    车票可以在司机接到你时购买。司机在SLC/PAC的停车场接需乘坐者。同时提供到Hamilton International Airport的服务。火车

    一般为观光用,速度很慢。早晚从Kitchener Train Station发车。

    车票可以在火车站,网上,和UW Plaza的Travel Cuts(近William’s coffee shop)购买。车站位于126 Weber Street, Kitchener。对于ISIC card 持有者有学生优惠。Travel Cuts


    位于UW Plaza内,近William’s Coffee shop。可以办理ISIC cardsCarpool

    Carpool 其实是比较常见的交通方式,因为carpool和做公交车相比有可能更加方便和便宜。联系提供carpool车主的方式主要有:


    2).Kijiji论坛的 carpool专区


    对于有驾照的同学,租车出行也许是实惠而方便的选择,但是有些的租车公司对于租车的年龄有限制(大于25周岁)。常见的租车公司有Enterprise;AVIS,;Discount Car & Truck Rentals;Alamo Rent;National Car Rental. 如果是连锁店的话,可以在任意一个连锁店租车和还车,比较方便。


    学校里面停车需要购买学校卖的parking permit,加拿大停车的管理比较严。学校提供两种parking permit,一种可以在学校附近指定的停车区域里面停车,另一种是在宿舍的停车区域里 面停车。如果住在宿舍而且每天开车上学,就要买两张parking permit。Parking permit可以在学校的parking office买到(沿着DC的大门一直向北走很快就能看到)。如果只是偶尔开到学校停 车则要在停车场内购买当天的parking pass。不交钱停车前两次会被贴罚单,第三次就会被拖走。


    驾照分为3个等级;G1是笔试,通过G1笔试就可以拿到G1驾照,可作为photo ID使用,强烈建议大家考取,代替passport (不可以自己开车上路)。 G2是路试,G1考取后要等10个月才可以考G2(国内驾龄超过3年取得G1可直接考G2。有G2驾照可自己上路,但是不可以上高速,有过期时间)。 G是最终正式驾照,也需等待考取G2之后一年才可考取。





  • 2020年7月新闻热词汇总


    中华人民共和国香港特别行政区维护国家安全法 The Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

    The Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) was passed unanimously at the 20th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature.十三届全国人大常委会第二十次会议全票通过了《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区维护国家安全法》。

    President Xi Jinping signed a presidential order to promulgate the law, which goes into effect on the date of promulgation.国家主席习近平签署主席令予以公布,并自公布之日起施行。

    《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区维护国家安全法》共6章、66条,明确规定了香港特别行政区维护国家安全的职责和机构(the duties and government bodies of the HKSAR for safeguarding national security),分裂国家罪(secession)、颠覆国家政权罪(subversion)、恐怖活动罪(terrorist activities)、勾结外国或者境外势力危害国家安全罪(collusion with a foreign country or external elements to endanger national security)四类罪行和处罚。

    According to the law, the central government will set up an office in the HKSAR for safeguarding national security.根据该法,中央人民政府将在香港特别行政区设立维护国家安全机构。

    The HKSAR will establish a committee for safeguarding national security, which is under the supervision of and accountable to the central government. To be chaired by the HKSAR chief executive, the committee shall have a national security adviser designated by the central government. The Hong Kong police force will also set up a department for safeguarding national security, according to the law.香港特别行政区设立维护国家安全委员会,接受中央人民政府的监督和问责。香港特别行政区维护国家安全委员会由行政长官担任主席,委员会设立国家安全事务顾问,由中央人民政府指派。香港特别行政区政府警务处设立维护国家安全的部门。

    According to the law, people convicted of the national security crimes could face up to life imprisonment.该法规定,被判决犯危害国家安全罪行的人员面临的最高刑罚为无期徒刑。

    Convicted criminals will be disqualified from running for public office, and people in public office who are found guilty of the crimes will be removed from their posts.任何人经法院判决犯危害国家安全罪行的,即丧失作为候选人参加香港特别行政区任何公职的资格,在任公职人员丧失任职资格。

    The law shall apply to acts committed after its entry into force for the purpose of conviction and imposition of punishment, according to its provision.本法施行以后的行为,适用本法定罪处刑。


    It is in line with national laws that maintain national interests and is compatible with Hong Kong's existing legal system. It also sticks to the principle that only a very few offenders will be targeted and the majority of Hong Kong people will be protected, Li said.该法与维护国家安全的全国性法律相衔接,与香港现有法律体系相兼容,体现了“惩治极少数、保护大多数”的原则。

    It provides legal support to safeguard national security and Hong Kong's long-term stability and prosperity, protects foreign investors' interests in Hong Kong as well as the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents, and guarantees the smooth and steady progress of "one country, two systems".该法为维护国家安全和香港长治久安、长期繁荣发展,为确保香港居民依法享有的权利和自由,为保护外国人在香港的合法权益和外国投资者的利益,为确保“一国两制”事业行稳致远,提供了法律支撑和保障。


    The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council said in its statement that for a tiny number of people endangering national security, the law will be a "sharp sword" hanging over their heads.But for the vast majority of Hong Kong residents including foreigners in Hong Kong, the law will be a "guardian" that protects their rights, freedoms and peaceful life, said the office.It will enable Hong Kong to have a more complete legal system, a more stable social order, better rule of law and an improved business environment.国务院港澳办在声明中表示,对于那些危害国家安全的极少数人来说,这部法律是高悬的利剑。对于绝大多数香港居民包括在港外国人来说,这部法律是保障其权利自由和安宁生活的“守护神”。这一法律将使香港拥有更加完备的法律体系、更加稳定的社会秩序、更加良好的法治和营商环境。

    香港中联办发表声明:坚决拥护香港国安法 全力支持特区政府和中央驻港国安机构做好法律实施工作

    The office said in a statement that the NPC Standing Committee conducted the legislative work in a highly responsible, scientific and democratic manner by taking into account opinions from a wide range of Hong Kong society.声明指出,全国人大常委会以高度负责的态度进行有关立法工作,并广泛听取香港特区各界代表人士的意见建议,立法程序周密规范、科学民主。

    The law effectively closes Hong Kong's legal gaps and demonstrates a high degree of unity between one country and two systems, central governance and local autonomy, as well as national interests and human rights.香港国安法堵住了香港维护国家安全的法律和制度漏洞,很好地体现了“一国”和“两制”的统一、中央对港全面管治权和特区高度自治权的统一、维护国家主权安全发展利益和保障香港市民合法权益的统一。

    The office also pointed out that the central government has carefully evaluated any situation that might occur during the implementation of the national security law. No one should underestimate the central government's determination and ability to strictly enforce the law.声明特别指出,中央对香港国安法实施过程中可能遇到的情况已经作了认真评估和充分准备,任何人都不要低估中央维护香港国家安全的决心,不要低估中央和特区有关机构严正执法的能力。


    After the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) was adopted at the 20th session of the 13th NPC Standing Committee, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR have both issued statements.国务院港澳办和香港中联办已分别就十三届全国人大常委会第二十次会议通过《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区维护国家安全法》发表声明。

    The NPC Standing Committee formulated this law and listed it in Annex III to the HKSAR Basic Law to be gazetted and enacted in Hong Kong by the SAR government. This is a fundamental solution for Hong Kong to restore order, end chaos and resume stability. It is a landmark in the practice of "one country, two systems" and a strong institutional guarantee for upholding national sovereignty, security and development interests, safeguarding lasting security, prosperity and stability in Hong Kong, and ensuring the steady implementation of "one country, two systems". It reflects the shared will of all Chinese people including Hong Kong compatriots.全国人大常委会制定香港国安法,并将该法列入香港基本法附件三,由香港特区在当地公布实施,这是香港恢复秩序、由乱及治的治本之策,是“一国两制”实践具有里程碑意义的大事,为维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,保障香港长治久安和长期繁荣稳定,确保“一国两制”实践行稳致远提供强大制度保障,充分反映了包括香港同胞在内的全体中国人民的共同意志。

    This legislation takes into full consideration the realistic needs of safeguarding national security and the specific conditions of the HKSAR and sets out systemic and comprehensive provisions regarding a legal system and enforcement mechanisms at both national and SAR levels. This upholds the constitutional order in the HKSAR established by the Constitution and the Basic Law and demonstrates the inherent requirements of "one country, two systems". The law applies to four categories of criminal behaviors that gravely undermine national security. It will only target very few criminals but protect the vast majority of Hong Kong people. Its implementation will strengthen Hong Kong's legal framework, ensure social order, improve business environment, and benefit Hong Kong citizens and international investors. We have every confidence in the bright prospects of Hong Kong.香港国安法充分考虑维护国家安全的现实需要和香港特区的具体情况,从中央和香港特区两个层面就法律制度和执行机制作出系统全面的规定,维护了宪法和基本法确立的香港特区的宪制秩序,彰显了“一国两制”的内在要求。法律规管的是严重危害国家安全的四种犯罪行为,惩治的是极少数,保护的是绝大多数。法律实施后,香港的法律体系将更加完备,社会秩序将更加稳定,营商环境将更加良好,广大香港市民和国际投资者都将从中受益,我们对香港的光明未来充满信心。

    Hong Kong is one of China's special administrative regions and its affairs are China's internal affairs. The Chinese government is firmly determined to implement "one country, two systems" and oppose foreign interference in Hong Kong affairs. Nobody and nothing could shake the Chinese government and people's resolution and will to safeguard national sovereignty and security and uphold Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. Any attempt seeking to undermine China's sovereignty, security and development interests is doomed to fail.香港是中国的特别行政区,香港事务属于中国内政。中国政府坚持贯彻“一国两制”方针的决心坚定不移,反对外部势力干预香港事务的决心坚定不移。任何势力、任何情况都动摇不了中国政府和中国人民维护国家主权安全、维护香港繁荣稳定的决心和意志,任何妄想利用香港危害中国主权、安全、发展利益的图谋都绝不会得逞。


    "I am confident that after implementation of the National Security Law, the social unrest which has troubled Hong Kong people for nearly a year will be eased and stability will be restored, thereby enabling Hong Kong to start anew, focus on economic development and improve people's livelihoods," she said.林郑月娥指出,有信心实施香港国安法后,困扰市民近一年的社会动荡可以减退,局面稳定下来,香港可以重新出发,聚焦发展经济、改善民生。

    2020中超联赛 The 2020 Chinese Super League (CSL)

    The 2020 Chinese Super League (CSL) season was originally scheduled to begin on Feb 22 until the COVID-19 pandemic forced its postponement. The Chinese Football Association (CFA) announced on Wednesday that the CSL will kick off on July 25.2020中超联赛原定于2月22日启动,但受新冠肺炎疫情影响被迫按下暂停键。中国足协7月1日宣布,2020中超联赛将于7月25日开赛。


    这里的league指体育比赛中的“联赛”,一般指足球等集体比赛项目不同队伍之间相互比赛,并最终决出胜负的一系列比赛,比如,国内的中超联赛(Chinese Super League)、英国的英超联赛(Premier League)、美国职棒大联盟(Major League Baseball,简称MLB)等。另一个常用来表示“比赛”的词是tournament,我们多翻译为“锦标赛”,这个词与league最大的不同在于,参加tournament的既可以是团队项目,也可以是个人项目,比如: tennis/chess/golf tournament等。


    As the COVID-19 epidemic is gradually under control across the nation, and to meet the expectation of people, the Chinese Football Association has decided to start the 2020 Chinese Super League season on July 25 in Suzhou and Dalian.全国疫情防控形势继续向好。为满足广大人民群众对恢复中国足球协会超级联赛的热切期盼,中国足球协会经研究决定,2020中超联赛将于7月25日分别在苏州赛区和大连赛区举行。

    The CFA will try its best to make comprehensive preparations. And we will strictly follow the epidemic prevention regulations to ensure matches are well organized and well managed. We will guarantee the safety and quality of this CSL season.中国足球协会将全力做好赛事的各项服务保障工作,严格遵守国家防疫工作的各项要求,认真做好赛事的各项组织管理工作,确保中超联赛安全有序进行。

    据了解,比赛拟采用“分组(分区)、分阶段”赛制,其中首阶段小组赛双循环(round robin format)14轮比赛将以空场赛会制方式进行,预计将在9月下旬完赛。目前中超第二阶段比赛赛制尚未确定,须综合疫情发展等情况而定(depending on the epidemic situation)。如果不受疫情影响,整个联赛预计将持续到今年12月下旬。

    冒名顶替 identity theft

    Any students who cheat or are involved in identity theft in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, will be disqualified from enrolling in universities and colleges, the Ministry of Education said.教育部表示,在高考中舞弊或冒名顶替的学生将取消其高校入学资格。

    Universities should conduct identity checks of high school graduates to find any students who have stolen others' identities or gained extra gaokao points through illegal means, it said.教育部要求高校认真开展新生身份核查,以及时发现冒名顶替以及违规获得加分资格等行为。


    这里的identity theft字面意思为“身份窃取”,其实就是新闻报道中说的“冒名顶替”,其动词形式为steal one's identity,而“冒名顶替者”就是imposter。因此,“冒名顶替”这种行为也可以用imposture来表示。比如: He was accused of imposture.(他被指冒名顶替。)

    Cheat这个词在英语里很常用,可以作为动词和名词使用,有“欺骗、骗子、出轨”等意思,不同的搭配会表达不同的意思,我们在使用的时候要非常注意。比如,cheat on someone表达的是“背着(配偶、性伴侣)乱搞;对(配偶、性伴侣)不忠”的意思,也就是我们常说的“出轨”,如果你想说“她骗了我”可以直接用she cheated me或者she fooled me来表示,而千万不能说she cheated on me。另外,我们也可以直接说someone is a cheat,来表示“某人是个骗子”。

    The ministry said in a notice issued on Thursday that it will work with public security and disciplinary authorities to look into any fraud in the exam and hold those guilty of violations and any people who assist them accountable.教育部在7月2日发布的通告中表示,将配合公安、纪检监察等部门一查到底,依法依纪追究有关人员的责任。


    Candidates and the test site staff will have their body temperatures and health conditions monitored regularly starting from 14 days ahead of the exam, the ministry said in a statement.各地已提前14天对考生和考务人员进行日常体温测量和身体健康状况监测。

    Exam-sitters will have their body temperatures measured and are allowed into test sites only when their body temperatures are below 37.3 degrees Celsius.高考时,所有进入考点人员都要进行体温测量,37.3℃以下方可进入考点。

    There will be at least three isolated test rooms at each test site, available for candidates who exhibit symptoms of fever and cough during the exam, according to the statement.每考点不得少于3个备用隔离考场,考中出现发热、咳嗽考生,将按照既定程序转移至备用隔离考场应考。

    气象灾害预警信息 early warning messages for meteorological disasters

    In June, meteorological administrations issued over 43,000 early warning messages. The number of messages for rainstorms and thunder each increased by about 43 percent compared with the average of the total issued for the same month in the past three years, according to the China Meteorological Administration.据中国气象局统计,6月,全国气象部门累计发布各类气象灾害预警信息4.3万多条。其中,暴雨、雷电的预警信息发布数量均比过去三年同期增加了43%左右。

    The Ministry of Emergency Management said that, as of Friday, over 19.3 million people in 26 provincial regions had suffered from floods. A total of 121 people were missing or dead and the direct economic losses from the flood disasters reached over 41.6 billion yuan.据应急管理部介绍,截至7月3日,今年以来洪涝灾害先后造成26省(区、市)1930多万人次受灾,121人死亡失踪,直接经济损失超过416亿元。


    从气象上来说,24小时降水量(precipitation)为50毫米或以上的雨称为“暴雨”(rainstorm/ downpour/ torrential rain)。特大暴雨是一种灾害性天气(disastrous weather),往往造成“洪涝灾害”(flood),在山区还会引发“山体滑坡”(landslide)和“泥石流”(debris flow)。Landslide(山体滑坡)是暴雨使山体不堪重负,由山体薄弱地带断开整体下滑,而debris flow(泥石流)是暴雨使沙土石达到水饱和,在重力的作用下液化的泥沙石向低洼处流动。

    中央气象台再发暴雨黄色预警(yellow alert for rainstorms)

    From Monday to Tuesday morning, heavy rain and rainstorms are expected in parts of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan,Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan and Heilongjiang, the National Meteorological Center said.中央气象台预计,7月6日08时至7日08时,上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、湖北、湖南、重庆、贵州、云南以及黑龙江等地部分地区有大到暴雨。

    Some of these regions will see up to 80 mm of hourly precipitation, accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds, the center said.上述部分地区最大小时降雨量可达到80毫米,局地有雷暴大风等强对流天气。


    It said coordinated operation of reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze will be carried out to reduce the amount of water flowing into the Three Gorges Dam, which saw the arrival on Thursday of the first flood in the country's longest watercourse this year, and relieve flood control pressure in the middle and lower reaches of the river.水利部表示,要加强长江上游水库群的联合调度,减少三峡入库水量,减轻中下游河道防洪压力。7月2日,长江2020年第1号洪水抵达三峡大坝。

    Among areas to be covered by the rain band, some places in Shanxi, Henan, Shandong and Heilongjiang provinces and the Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous regions are forecast to see their precipitation increase by 30 to 50 percent compared with previous years.受雨带影响的地区中,山西、河北、山东、黑龙江、内蒙古、新疆等地的部分地区降雨较常年同期可能偏多3-5成。

    The coming rain may result in major regional floods in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, southern parts of the Haihe River, the Songhuajiang and Liaohe rivers. The rain, together with melted snow, may also cause flooding in some areas in Xinjiang, the ministry said.受其影响,黄河中游、海河南系、松花江、辽河等河流可能发生区域性较大洪水,新疆部分地区可能发生降雨融雪混合型洪水。

    新职业 new professions

    The new professions, mostly in the public health sector and emerging industries, include blockchain technicians, online marketers, information security testers, online learning consultants and community health assistants, among others, according to a statement jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments.人社部与其他几个部门联合发布的通告显示,新发布的职业主要涉及公共卫生领域和新兴产业,包括“区块链工程技术人员”、“互联网营销师”、“信息安全测试员”、“在线学习服务师”以及“社群健康助理员”等。


    Five new types of work, such as livestreaming salesperson, have also been released, while three types of work related to public health services have been upgraded into professions.此次还发布了“直播销售员”等五个新工种,同时,与公共卫生服务相关的三个工种上升成为新职业。



    职业(profession/occupation)是具有一定特征的社会工作类别,它是一种或一组特定工作的统称。工种(type of work)是根据劳动管理的需要,按照生产劳动的性质、工艺技术的特征、或者服务活动的特点而划分的工作种类。岗位(position/post)是企业根据生产的实际需要而设置的工作位置。一般来说,一个职业包括一个或几个工种,一个工种又包括几个岗位。

    此批新职业除了主要涉及预防和处置突发公共卫生事件(public health emergency response)领域,还适应高校毕业生就业创业需要的新业态领域以及适应贫困劳动力和农村转移就业劳动者等需要的促进脱贫攻坚领域(poverty reduction sectors where poor laborers and rural migrant workers are employed)。

    据了解,这是自2015年版《中华人民共和国职业分类大典(Occupational Classification System of the People’s Republic of China)》颁布以来发布的第三批新职业。

    高考延期 delayed gaokao

    The government of Shexian county in Anhui province said on Tuesday that the downpour, which began before dawn, was the heaviest in 50 years. The county was forced to delay the first day's two exams-for Chinese language and mathematics-as most local students failed to reach the two examination sites on time because of flooding.安徽省歙县县政府表示,7月7日天没亮就开始下雨,是50年一遇的强降雨。受降雨引发的洪水影响,该县2个高考考点大部分考生均未进入考点,该考区原定当日举行的语文、数学科目考试延期举行。

    The county has 2,207 students aiming to take this year's gaokao, but only around 500 had arrived at the examination sites by 10 am, according to Wang Tianping, head of the county's education bureau.歙县教育局局长汪天平介绍,今年歙县参加高考的学生有2207名,7日上午10点仅有约500名考生到达考点。

    The two delayed exams are scheduled to take place on Thursday using alternate set of exam papers, exams on other subjects will be held as scheduled on Wednesday,the authorities said.当地政府表示,7月8日的考试正常进行,延期的两科考试将于7月9日进行,启用备用试卷。


    The National Meteorological Center on Tuesday issued an orange alert for rainstorms, as heavy downpours are forecast to hit vast stretches of the country.中央气象台7月7日发布暴雨橙色预警,我国大部分地区将迎来大到暴雨。



    蓝色预警(blue alert)


    黄色预警(yellow alert)


    橙色预警(orange alert)


    红色预警(red alert)


    From Tuesday night to Wednesday night, heavy rain and rainstorms are expected in Hubei, Anhui, Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang, among other regions, the National Meteorological Center said, warning that some areas of Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui will experience downpours with up to 280 mm of daily rainfall.预计7月7日20时至8日20时,湖北、安徽、湖南、江西、浙江等地的部分地区有大暴雨,其中,湖北、江西、安徽等地局地将经历日降水量达280毫米的特大暴雨。

    The center advised local authorities to remain alert for possible flooding, landslides and mudslides, and recommended halting outdoor operations in hazardous areas.中央气象台建议当地政府部门注意防范可能引发的山洪、滑坡、泥石流等灾害,暂停危险地带户外作业。



    The Ministry of Education decided to stop giving bonus points to students who have exceptional sports ability, who have won academic Olympiads or science and technology competitions, who are named "provincial-level excellent students" or those who have performed "righteous and courageous deeds" in 2018.2018年,教育部宣布全面取消体育特长生、中学生学科奥林匹克竞赛、科技类竞赛、省级优秀学生、思想政治品德有突出事迹等全国性高考加分项目。

    2019年,多地启动高考改革 取消文理分科

    Eight provincial-level regions joined in gaokao reform in 2019. The change will cover students who entered high schools in fall 2018 or later in Hebei, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and Chongqing.2019年,8个省级地区参加了高考改革。这项改革将覆盖河北、辽宁、江苏、福建、湖北、湖南、广东和重庆等地2018年秋季或以后入学的高中学生。

    The reform allows the students to have more choices — up to 12 combinations of subjects instead of the current two choices between arts and science. Their performances during high school academic tests will also serve as measurable indicators.高考改革允许学生在考试时可以从多达12个学科科目中选择,而不是目前仅有的文科和理科两个选择。他们在高中学业考试中的表现也可以作为衡量指标。


    Any students who cheat or are involved in identity theft in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, will be disqualified from enrolling in universities and colleges, the Ministry of Education said.教育部表示,在高考中舞弊或冒名顶替的学生将取消其高校入学资格。

    中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区维护国家安全公署 The Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

    中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区维护国家安全公署揭牌仪式7月8日在香港举行,宣告驻香港国家安全公署正式成立并运行。The Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) was inaugurated on Wednesday morning.


    英文报道中的inaugurate通常有三层意思,一表示“就职,举行就职典礼”,具体的用法是,(就职的)人+ be inaugurated 比如:US President Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017.(美国总统特朗普的就职典礼于2017年1月20日举行。)“就职典礼”的名词形式可以直接用inauguration来表示,后面无需加ceremony,因为inauguration本身就包含“典礼”这一层意思,比如:presidential inauguration(总统就职典礼)。

    二表示“落成,成立”,用法与第一层意思相同,(成立的)机构+ be inaugurated,比如:A new school was inaugurated in the village.(这个村子里新落成了一所学校。)

    三表示“开创,开展”,比如:The coronavirus pandemic has inaugurated a time of chaos and change.(新冠病毒大流行开创了一个混乱与变革的时代。)Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight.(泛美航空公司开通了第一条国际定期航班线路。)


    the office analyzes and assesses developments related to safeguarding national security in the HKSAR, provides opinions and makes proposals on major strategies and important policies分析研判香港特别行政区维护国家安全形势,就维护国家安全重大战略和重要政策提出意见和建议;

    oversees, guides, coordinates with and supports the HKSAR in assuming the duties for safeguarding national security监督、指导、协调、支持香港特别行政区履行维护国家安全的职责;

    collects and analyzes intelligence and information about national security and handles cases on offenses endangering national security.收集分析国家安全情报信息;依法办理危害国家安全犯罪案件。


    "We extend warm congratulations on the inauguration of the national security office in Hong Kong and will fully support and cooperate with it to fulfill its duties and responsibilities," the Hong Kong and Macao affairs office said in a statement.国务院港澳事务办公室发表声明表示,我们对驻港国家安全公署的成立表示热烈祝贺,并将全力支持和配合其履行职责。

    As an institution accredited by the central people's government to safeguard national security in the HKSAR, the office shoulders a lofty mission and important responsibilities to perform the mandate of overseeing, guiding, coordinating with, and providing support to the HKSAR in the performance of its duties for safeguarding national security and handling cases concerning offence endangering national security in accordance with the law under specific circumstances, the statement said.声明表示,驻港国家安全公署是中央人民政府派驻香港特别行政区维护国家安全的机构,担负着监督、指导、协调、支持香港特别行政区维护国家安全,在特定情形下依法办理危害国家安全犯罪案件等重要职责,使命光荣,责任重大。

    The statement called on people from all walks of life in Hong Kong to fully support the work of the national security office, the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR and other national security bodies to jointly safeguard China's sovereignty, security, and development interests, maintain Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability, and ensure the steady and sustained implementation of "one country, two systems."希望香港社会各界人士全力支持驻港国家安全公署、香港特别行政区维护国家安全委员会及其他维护国家安全机构的工作,共同维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,维护香港的长期繁荣稳定,确保“一国两制”行稳致远。

    2020世界人工智能大会云端峰会 the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) 2020 online summit

    7月9日至11日,2020世界人工智能大会云端峰会(the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) 2020 online summit)在上海召开。

    With the theme of "Intelligent Connectivity, Indivisible Community," the event brings together scientists, entrepreneurs, and officials to discuss the latest trends in the world's AI sector.2020世界人工智能大会以“智联世界 共同家园”为主题,科学家、企业家以及官员们齐聚一起探讨世界人工智能领域最新的发展趋势。


    世界人工智能大会(the World Artificial Intelligence Conference,WAIC)是由国家发展改革委、科技部、工业和信息化部、国家互联网信息办公室、中国科学院、中国工程院和上海市人民政府共同主办的大会,2018年首次举办。此前两届的主题分别为:人工智能赋能新时代(Artificial Intelligence Empowers New Era,2018)、智联世界无限可能(Intelligent Connectivity, Infinite Possibilities,2019)。

    Apart from an offline opening ceremony held in Shanghai, the meeting was joined virtually by overseas tech gurus like Turing Award recipient Yoshua Bengio and Tesla Inc CEO Elon Musk through video conferencing.除了在上海举行的线下开幕式以外,本次世界人工智能大会还邀请到图灵奖获得者约书亚·本吉奥、特斯拉首席执行官马斯克等海外技术大咖通过视频连线的方式参会。

    本次大会聚焦人工智能芯片创新(AI chip innovation)、5G、执法领域数据智能管理以及人工智能应用( intelligent management of data and AI applications in law enforcement)、融资、无人驾驶(unmanned driving)、教育、医疗卫生以及区块链等议题。

    本次大会呈现了全球首次大型会议现场真人全息投影(holographic projections),发布了全球首支人工智能合唱MV(music video of an AI chorus),实现首场实时3D云嘉宾体验,首创3D虚拟环境云展览——AI家园。

    地震 earthquake


    The 5.1 magnitude quake struck at a depth of 10 kilometers, the Ministry of Emergency Management said. The Guye district is about 170 km southeast of Beijing and around 130 km northeast of Tianjin. No casualties or serious damage were reported as of Sunday night after the quake, Tangshan's publicity department said.应急管理部表示,此次地震震源深度10千米,震中古冶区位于北京市东南部170公里、天津市西北处约130公里处。唐山市宣传部门表示,截至7月12日晚,没有接到人员伤亡及严重损失报告。


    地震的强度(magnitude)一般按照里氏震级(Richter Scale)划分,它是将震级范围从1到10的一种对数标度,用以表现地震放出的能量总数,是根据美国地震学家Charles Francis Richter 命名的。在英文报道中,“X级地震”常用X on the Richter Scale、magnitude-X earthquake或者上文中出现的 a X magnitude earthquake/quake表示,比如:The tremor was placed at 5.6 on the Richter scale.(地震的震级被测定为里氏5.6级。)A powerful magnitude-7.6 earthquake struck off the Solomon Islands on Monday.(周一,所罗门群岛发生了里氏7.6级地震。)

    该地震造成河北唐山市中心震感强烈,天津、河北承德震感明显,北京、河北廊坊、沧州等地有震感(feel the tremor)。


    The 5.1 magnitude quake on Sunday was an aftershock of the 1976 one, and another quake of more than 5 magnitude was unlikely to occur in the area in the short term.唐山本次地震属1976年地震余震,短期内老震区再次发生5级以上地震的可能不大。

    He said the epicenter of Sunday's quake was 28 km from the epicenter of the 1976 quake, well within the aftershock zone, and was considered a normal fluctuation.这次5.1级地震的震中距离唐山1976年主震约28千米,位于其余震区内,是正常的地震起伏活动。

    The energy accumulation of Tangshan's earthquake in 1976 took thousands of years, so it's a normal phenomenon that the aftershocks of the quake can last for dozens of years. The frequency and magnitude of aftershocks of earthquakes will decrease with time.唐山1976年地震的能量积聚用了数千年的时间,因此其余震持续数十年是正常现象。余震的频率和强度会随着时间衰减。

    重大水利工程 major water conservancy projects

    China will advance the construction of 150 new major water conservancy projects.The projects are expected to increase the storage capacity for flood control by 9 billion cubic meters and the annual water supply capacity by 42 billion cubic meters, said Su Wei, an official with the NDRC at a briefing.国家发展改革委副秘书长苏伟表示,我国抓紧推进建设150项重大水利工程建设。工程实施后,预计可新增防洪库容约90亿立方米,增加年供水能力约420亿立方米。

    这150项重大水利工程(major water conservancy projects)主要包括防洪减灾(flood control and disaster relief)、水资源优化配置(optimized allocation of water resources)、灌溉节水和供水(irrigation and water supply)、水生态保护修复(water ecological protection and restoration)、智慧水利(smart water conservancy)等5大类。

    今年的《政府工作报告》提出:重点支持既促消费惠民生又调结构增后劲的“两新一重(新型基础设施、新型城镇化和重大工程,new infrastructure and new urbanization initiatives and major projects)”建设。


    加强新型基础设施建设,发展新一代信息网络,拓展5G应用,建设数据中心,增加充电桩、换电站等设施,推广新能源汽车,激发新消费需求、助力产业升级。First, we will step up the construction of new types of infrastructure. We will develop next-generation information networks, expand 5G applications, and develop data centers. We will build more battery charging and swapping facilities and promote wider use of new-energy automobiles. We will stimulate new consumer demand and promote industrial upgrading.

    加强新型城镇化建设,大力提升县城公共设施和服务能力,以适应农民日益增加的到县城就业安家需求。新开工改造城镇老旧小区3.9万个,支持管网改造、加装电梯等,发展居家养老、用餐、保洁等多样社区服务。Second, we will strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization. We will do more to improve public facilities and services in county seats, so as to meet the growing demand to work and settle in them among rural residents. We will begin the renovation of 39,000 old urban residential communities and support the upgrading of plumbing and wiring and the installation of elevators in old residential buildings; we will encourage the development of community services such as elderly home care, the provision of meals, and cleaning services.

    加强交通、水利等重大工程建设。增加国家铁路建设资本金1000亿元。健全市场化投融资机制,支持民营企业平等参与。要优选项目,不留后遗症,让投资持续发挥效益。Third, we will redouble efforts to develop major transportation and water conservancy projects, and increase national railway development capital by 100 billion yuan. We will improve market-based investment and financing mechanisms to support private enterprises in participating in projects on an equal footing. We will ensure that projects are up to standard, so they do not create any undesired consequences and the investments made deliver long-term returns.


    The total investment in the projects is estimated to reach 1.29 trillion yuan ($184.38 billion), which is expected to drive investment of about 6.6 trillion yuan and offer about 800,000 job positions annually on average, Su said.苏伟表示,150项工程匡算总投资大致是1.29万亿元,能够带动投资6.6万亿元,年均新增就业岗位80万个。

    跨省区市团队旅游 group tours that cross provincial borders

    Travel agencies in China have been given permission to resume group tours that cross provincial borders, following a period of suspension due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said in the circular. However, group tours in those areas with middle and high COVID-19 risk levels and overseas group tours are still not allowed, said the circular.文化和旅游部发布的通知指出,各地可恢复旅行社经营跨省(区、市)团队旅游,中、高风险地区不得开展团队旅游。出入境旅游业务暂不恢复。受新冠肺炎疫情影响,跨省(区、市)团队旅游一度暂停。


    说到“暂停”,我们可能立即会想到pause这个词,不过,在具体使用的时候,pause更偏重“短时间暂停(后继续进行某事)”的意思,比如:He talked for two hours without pausing for breath.(他说了两个小时的话,都没有停下来喘口气。)On leaving, she paused for a moment at the door.(离开的时候,她在门口停顿了一下。)而上文中的suspension及其动词形式suspend多指“把事情停下来一阵子(直到有后续的决策)”,比如:Tour groups were suspended because of the epidemic.(由于疫情原因,团队游被暂时叫停了。)这里的“暂停”一般会持续一段时间,直到形势变化允许这件事能继续进行。

    The limit on the number of visitors allowed in tourist attractions will be set at 50 percent of the maximum capacity, according to the circular, an increase on the previous limit of 30 percent.各地旅游景区接待游客量由不得超过最大承载量的30%调至50%。

    With strict epidemic prevention and control measures in place, indoor areas at scenic spots can open to the public through appointments and with restrictions on visitor numbers.在严格落实各项防控措施的前提下,采取预约、限流等方式,开放旅游景区室内场所。

    The circular also required travel agencies to provide sufficient protective materials, including masks, body-temperature testing equipment, and disposable gloves, for drivers, tour guides and tourists.通知还要求旅行社为司机、导游和游客提供口罩、测温设备以及一次性手套等防护装备。

    Tourists should show their health QR codes to travel agencies when signing up for group tours, and have the codes checked again before starting their travels, according to the circular, stressing that tourists with abnormal temperatures are not allowed to join tours.游客报团时需向旅行社出示健康码,行程开始时需再次查验健康码,通知强调,体温异常的游客不允许参团。

    新业态 new business models

    7月15日,国家发展和改革委等13部门联合印发了《关于支持新业态新模式健康发展 激活消费市场带动扩大就业的意见》,提出支持数字经济15种新业态新模式的一系列政策措施。

    Nineteen measures have been identified for the development of new business models such as online education, livestreaming, e-commerce and individual business running via WeChat, according to the guideline.意见提出19项举措支持在线教育、直播、电子商务以及微商等新型商业模式发展。

    新出台的举措重点支持15种新业态新模式——在线教育(online education)、互联网医疗(online health services)、线上办公(telecommuting)、数字化治理(digital governance)、产业平台化发展、传统企业数字化转型(digital transformation of traditional enterprises)、“虚拟”产业园和产业集群(virtual industrial parks and clusters)、“无人经济”(humanless economy)、培育新个体经济支持自主就业(self-employment)、发展微经济鼓励“副业创新”(innovation of side businesses)、探索多点执业、共享生活、共享生产、生产资料共享及数据要素流通。

    The rapid growth of digital technology has created several new business models despite the novel coronavirus outbreak and played a key role in the prevention and control of the epidemic, apart from boosting the slowing economy and stabilizing employment.抗击新冠肺炎疫情中,我国数字经济快速发展,带动大量新业态新模式快速涌现,在助力疫情防控、带动经济复苏、支撑稳定就业等方面发挥了不可替代的作用。



    According to the guideline, costs will be further lowered for individuals to start businesses online to offer diversified job opportunities.意见提出,进一步降低个体经营者线上创业就业成本,提供多样化的就业机会。


    Efforts will be stepped up in promoting the micro economy and encouraging the innovation of side businesses, the guideline said.大力发展微经济,鼓励“副业创新”。

    The guideline highlighted endeavors to promote employment based on diversified channels including social media, e-commerce, short-video and live-streaming platforms.着力激发各类主体通过社交媒体、电子商务、短视频以及直播等平台实现多渠道就业。


    More efforts are needed in exploring social security policies that can be applied to flexible employment patterns involving multiple platforms and employers.探索适应跨平台、多雇主间灵活就业的权益保障、社会保障等政策。

    影院开放 cinemas reopen


    Chinese movie theaters in low-risk areas have been allowed to resume operation starting from July 20 following an improvement in the COVID-19 epidemic situation, the China Film Administration announced Thursday. These movie theaters should reopen on the premise that proper prevention and control measures have been put in place, the administration said in a circular.国家电影局7月16日发布通知,随着新冠肺炎疫情形势转好,低风险地区电影院在各项防控措施有效落实到位的情况下,可于7月20日恢复开放。

    Cinemas should suspend their operation once their localities are adjusted to be medium- or high-risk areas, and theaters in medium- and high-risk areas are still being closed, the administration said.一旦从低风险地区调整为中高风险地区,电影院要及时按要求暂停营业。中高风险地区电影院暂不开放营业。


    登记观众信息,检查体温,未戴口罩和体温37.3度以上者不得进入(those who do not wear masks or with a body temperature above 37.3 degrees Celsius will not be admitted into the theate)。

    全部采取网络实名预约、无接触方式售票(make real-name reservations and purchase tickets online);实行交叉隔座售票,保证陌生观众间距1米以上(keep a distance of at least one meter);每场上座率不得超过30%(attendance per show must not exceed 30 percent)。

    安排专人做好现场管理,监督进入影院区域的工作人员和观众必须全程佩戴口罩(wear masks during the screenings),对号入座。

    电影放映场所原则上不售卖零食和饮料(cinemas will not sell snacks or drinks),影厅内原则上禁止饮食。

    电影放映场所减少放映场次(cut screenings),日排片减至正常时期的一半,控制观影时间,每场不超过两个小时(showtime for each screening should not be more than 2 hours),延长场间休息时间,对影厅充分清洁与消毒;不同影厅错时排场(staggered film times for different auditoriums ),避免进出场观众聚集。

    文物保护 protection of cultural relics

    Statistics from the National Cultural Heritage Administration showed that by Thursday, more than 500 unmovable cultural relics such as monuments, ancient architecture and bridges in 11 provincial-level regions had been destroyed or damaged by floodwater. Seventy-six of the sites are under national-level protection, and 187 under provincial-level protection.国家文物局的数据显示,截至7月16日,11省份有500余处不可移动文物因洪灾受到损坏,其中涉及全国重点文物保护单位76处、省级文物保护单位187处。受损文物包括纪念碑、古建筑以及桥梁等。


    在考古领域挖掘出来的“(工具、武器、饰品等具有考古或历史价值的)文物”一般用artifact。而我们常见的cultural relics里面的relic则指“遗迹、遗留物、遗址”等。我们可以说,在表示“历史遗迹”的时候,relic涵盖的范围要比artifact要广一些,而且这两个词一般都用复数形式。


    The administration has allocated about 3.5 million yuan to a special fund for cultural heritage rescue work in the provinces.国家文物局已向文物受灾严重的省份拨付文物应急抢险资金350万元。



    "Floodwaters have been a major threat to the safety of Chinese cultural heritage throughout history," Song said. "And these old bridges, city walls and houses often have a poor capacity to counter disasters due to the lasting influence of natural erosion and human activities.洪涝等自然地质灾害历来是危害文物安全的重要因素。古桥梁、古城墙、古民居等文物建筑年代悠远,受自然环境侵蚀和人为活动影响,抵御自然地质灾害能力弱。

    Ancient Chinese architecture is usually made of wood, tiles and bricks. When reservoirs in the upper reaches discharge waters, these heritage sites cannot withstand the impact of torrents.我国文物建筑多为木构架结构,主要建筑材料为木材、砖瓦等,一些上游水库泄洪排涝,这些文物无法承受大流量洪水的冲击。


    "Speaking of ancient architecture, cultural heritage experts and architects have usually focused on studying their layout, historical context and the structure of components," he said. "However, their capacity to withstand natural disasters has often received less attention, and we have thus lacked a comprehensive system to introduce disaster-prevention technology into renovation work and training programs."我国文物、建筑学界对文物建筑的保护研究集中在建筑格局、形制、结构等方面,对文物自身具有的防灾抗灾功能作用关注不够,未能形成系统的文物防灾理念和技术体系,文物修缮中防灾减灾措施缺少针对性指导。



    He said the administration will coordinate with different government departments to include the safety of heritage sites in the national disaster prevention and mitigation system, with cultural relics to be treated as "key properties", like human life.国家文物局要督导各地将文物防灾减灾纳入防灾减灾体系,将文物作为和生命一样的重要财产来看待。


    For instance, the Forbidden City in Beijing, China's former imperial palace, has seldom been flooded since its founding 600 years ago due to its superb sewage system. And the sewage system in the historical neighborhood in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, was designed during the Song Dynasty and still functions well today.北京故宫科学的排水系统使其600余年始终未遭水害,江西赣州古城“福寿沟”是宋代城市排水系统,至今仍发挥着重要的防汛抗灾作用。

    "An important task is to conduct in-depth studies of the extraordinary capacities of ancient Chinese cities and take full advantage of those functions today," he said.当前一项重要任务是组织开展专项系统研究,深入挖掘一些古城本身具有的独特防灾体系和抗灾功能,充分发挥其在现代城乡防灾减灾中的重要作用。

    全国性竞赛 national competitions


    The Ministry of Education has asked organizers of national competitions for primary and secondary students to double-check the authenticity and originality of past prize winners.教育部要求全国性竞赛主办单位对以往获奖项目的真实性、独创性进行复核。


    在日常对话或者写作中,real、authentic、true 这三个形容词出现的频率都很高。从字面意思上看,它们都带有“真的”的意思。在具体用法上,它们的区别在于:real 的主要意思是“真正存在的东西,人或发生的事件”;强调不是想象中的,比如:I found a real fossil on the beach. 我在沙滩上找到了一块真正的化石。

    Authentic的一个常用含义是“有根据的,可靠可信的”。这个词出现在古董收藏或者是需要鉴别真假的场景下指“真货”,比如:This is an authentic vase from the Ming dynasty. 这是一个真正的明代花瓶。同时,authentic 这个词在用来表示我们吃到的东西是“地道的,原汁原味的”,比如: authentic Sichuan street food地道的四川小吃。

    True 的意思是“准确的,真实的”,强调某事的真实性是基于事实的。在表达事情或者感情是“真实的”的情况下,我们往往会用 true,比如,“true love 真爱”,“true feeling 真感情”,The film was based on a true story. 电影是根据真实故事改编的。


    National competitions should not far exceed students' cognitive abilities, and parents and others should not participate in the competitions on behalf of the contestants, the ministry said in a notice.坚决避免参赛项目明显不符合学生认知能力现象的发生,坚决防止由家长或其他人代劳等参赛造假行为。

    The ministry will continue to strictly scrutinize national competitions, and organizers that are found to be seriously violating regulations will be removed from competition white lists and not be allowed to host competitions again, it said.教育部将进一步加强对审核通过的竞赛的管理,严肃查处竞赛中出现的违法违规行为,情节严重的,将从竞赛名单中移除,并不再受理举办单位举办竞赛的申请。

    Further, competition results are not allowed to be used to decide student admission to primary and middle schools. Rather, admission should be solely based on the proximity of their homes to the schools, the notice said.各地要继续严格落实义务教育免试就近入学政策,不得将任何竞赛奖项作为幼升小、小升初升学依据。

    High schools should also not use the results of competitions as bonus points to count toward student admission, it said.严禁将各类竞赛获奖情况作为高中阶段学校招生考试(中考)加分依据。


    On July 1, the ministry published a white list featuring 35 approved national contests for primary and secondary school students for this year and next year.7月1日,教育部公布了2020年和2021年面向中小学生的全国性竞赛活动名单,确定35项全国性竞赛活动。

    外教 foreign teachers


    The draft guideline said education authorities should establish a national information and service platform where education institutions such as schools and tutoring institutions will be able to register, report and seek information about foreign teachers.征求意见稿指出,教育行政部门应建立全国外籍教师综合信息服务平台,学校和培训机构等教育机构可以在该平台注册,登录平台备案、查询外籍教师相关信息。


    这里的外籍教师(foreign teachers),是指由教育机构聘任、取得外国人来华工作许可和工作类居留证件、在中国境内从事教育教学工作的外籍人员(foreign nationals who are hired by education institutions to work as teachers in China and have acquired work permits and work-type residence permits)。

    征求意见稿提出,要建立外籍教师信用记录制度(a credit system for foreign teachers)。

    Those whose behavior is in accordance with Chinese laws and their work contracts, and who teach ethically and well, will have that recorded in the credit system, it said.外籍教师在聘任期间遵守中国法律、合同约定,教育教学质量高、师德师风良好,将会纳入信用记录。

    The credit system will also record those who breach their contracts, commit crimes, use drugs, mistreat underage students or illegally engage in religious education. They should be fired and reported to the education authorities.外籍教师违反合同约定,有犯罪、吸毒行为,有虐待未成年人行为,非法从事宗教教育等行为的,也将计入信用记录。外籍教师有这些情形之一的,教育机构应当予以解聘,并报告主管教育行政部门。


    All foreign teachers must have no criminal record, infectious diseases, or a history of mental illness, sexual harassment or drug use, it said.外籍教师应当无犯罪记录,无传染性疾病和精神障碍史,无性骚扰、吸食注射毒品等行为。

    Foreign teachers working at schools should hold a valid work visa, have a bachelor's degree or higher and have at least two years' related teaching experience.外籍人员从事外籍教师工作的,应当办理外国人来华工作类签证,应当具备学士以上学位和相关教育机构相关学科2年以上教育教学工作经历或者相关领域工作经历。

    Those working as language tutors at training institutions should hold a valid work visa, be a native speaker, have a bachelor's degree or higher and specific qualifications for teaching a language, it said.担任外国语言培训教师的,应当具备学士以上学位,取得相应的语言培训资质且一般从事母语国母语教学。


    Education institutions that hire unqualified foreign teachers or falsify work permits or other credentials will be fined from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan per teacher, and those who seriously violate regulations will have their business permits revoked, it added.教育机构非法聘用未经许可和备案的外籍人员任教,或者在申请外籍教师工作许可和其他证明文件过程中伪造文件的,给予每人次1千元以上1万元以下的罚款,情节特别严重的,由教育行政部门依法吊销办学许可证。

    火星探测 Mars exploration


    The China National Space Administration unveiled on Wednesday details of the nation's first Mars rover, which will be part of the country's first independent Mars mission Tianwen 1. The rover is 1.85 meters tall and weighs about 240 kilograms. It has six wheels and four solar panels and will be able to move at 200 meters per hour on Mars, the administration's Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center revealed.7月22日,国家航天局公布了我国首个独立火星探测任务“天问一号”的火星车详情。国家航天局探月与航天工程中心发布的信息显示,火星车高度有1米85,重量达到240公斤左右,配备6个轮子和4块太阳能板,能在火星上以200米每小时的速度行进。


    2020年4月24日,国家航天局公布:中国行星探测任务(planetary exploration missions)被命名为“天问(Tianwen)系列”,首次火星探测任务(first Mars exploration mission)被命名为“天问一号”,后续行星任务依次编号。“天问”来自中国伟大诗人屈原的长诗《天问》。“天问”这个名字表达了中华民族对于真理追求的坚韧与执着(the Chinese nation's perseverance in pursuing truth),体现了对自然和宇宙空间探索的文化传承(culture of exploring nature and the universe)。

    7月23日 ,在中国文昌航天发射场,我国首次火星探测任务“天问一号”探测器发射升空。 郭文彬 摄


    火星车上搭载了6种有效载荷,包括地形相机(topographic camera)、多光谱相机(multispectral camera)、次表层探测雷达(subsurface penetrating radar)、表面成分探测仪(surface compositions detector)、表面磁场探测仪(surface magnetic field detector)、气象测量仪(meteorological measuring device),为完成火星表面巡视探测科学任务提供了保证。

    同时,为了适应火星地表的特殊环境,火星车还具备环境感知(environmental sensing)、障碍识别(barrier identification)、局部路径规划(route planning)及多轮运动协调控制等功能。

    Tianwen 1 was launched on its Mars mission carried by a Long March 5 rocket from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on Thursday.7月23日,“天问一号”火星探测任务搭载长征5号火箭在文昌卫星发射中心实施。

    Depending on the two planets' orbits, Mars is 55 million km to 400 million km from Earth. It is estimated it will take the probe seven months to reach Mars.火星距离地球大约5500万公里到4亿公里,按照这个距离,探测器大约要飞行7个月才能到达火星。

    Once the probe is in Mars' orbit, the rover will separate from the probe and descend to the planet's surface with the assistance of an landing module.探测器进入火星轨道后,火星车将从探测器分离,并在着陆平台的协助下在火星表面着陆。

    If Tianwen 1 can fulfill its three scientific objectives-orbiting Mars for comprehensive observation; landing on the planet's surface; and exploring Mars' environment, it will become the world's first Mars expedition to accomplish three such goals in one probe.如果“天问一号”能够实现对火星“环绕、着陆、巡视”三大目标,它将成为全世界首个在一次探测任务中完成三个目标的火星探测任务。

    美国驻成都总领事馆 the US Consulate General in Chengdu

    2020年7月24日上午,中国外交部通知美国驻华使馆,中方决定撤销对美国驻成都总领事馆的设立和运行许可,并对该总领事馆停止一切业务和活动提出具体要求。On the morning of 24 July, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China informed the US Embassy in China of its decision to withdraw its consent for the establishment and operation of the US Consulate General in Chengdu. The Ministry also made specific requirements on the ceasing of all operations and events by the Consulate General.

    7月21日,美方单方面挑起事端,突然要求中方关闭驻休斯敦总领事馆,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则及中美领事条约有关规定,严重破坏中美关系。中方上述举措是对美方无理行径的正当和必要反应,符合国际法和国际关系基本准则,符合外交惯例。On 21 July, the US launched a unilateral provocation by abruptly demanding that China close its Consulate General in Houston. The US move seriously breached international law, the basic norms of international relations, and the terms of the China-US Consular Convention. It gravely harmed China-US relations. The measure taken by China is a legitimate and necessary response to the unjustified act by the US. It conforms with international law, the basic norms of international relations, and customary diplomatic practices.

    中美之间出现目前的局面,是中方不愿看到的,责任完全在美方。我们再次敦促美方立即撤销有关错误决定,为两国关系重归正常创造必要条件。The current situation in China-US relations is not what China desires to see, and the US is responsible for all this. We once again urge the US to immediately retract its wrong decision and create necessary conditions for bringing the bilateral relationship back on track.

    进口肉类食品 imported meat products


    The National Health Commission has ordered meat processing plants in China to clearly identify the sources of their poultry and livestock meat and only accept imports that have obtained negative test results for the novel coronavirus.国家卫健委要求肉类加工企业把好禽畜肉类来源的追溯关,进口畜禽肉类食品应当具备新冠病毒核酸检测阴性结果证明方可入厂。

    Meat producers are also required to ramp up cleansing and disinfection of storage facilities, shipping vehicles, packaging and other equipment, the commission said in a guideline released on Thursday.在7月23日发布的指南中,国家卫健委还要求肉类加工企业做好畜禽肉类食品转运存放区域、运输工具、货物外包装及其他相关用品用具的清洁和消毒。

    近期,德国、英国等欧美国家肉类加工企业相继出现了新冠肺炎聚集性疫情(cluster outbreak),屠宰、分割、存储、包装等工作场所多为人员密集的低温封闭环境(crowded, cool and enclosed environment),存在较大的病毒传播风险。

    To fend off the risk from overseas producers, the country has suspended meat imports from 23 foreign companies as of July 10, according to the General Administration of Customs.为了遏制病毒通过海外厂家传播的风险,海关总署的信息显示,截至7月10日,我国已经暂停从23个国家进口肉类产品。


    According to the guideline, meat producers in medium-to high-risk areas are required to take five samples each from their slaughtering, dissecting and packaging plants for nucleic acid tests daily. Those in low-risk areas are required to collect environmental samples for tests at least once a week.指南要求,中风险和高风险地区肉类加工企业应当每天在屠宰车间、分割肉车间、包装车间采集各5份环境标本进行核酸监测。低风险地区肉类加工企业应当每周至少进行一次采样监测。


    Workers should stay at least 1 meter from each other on top of taking regular personal protective measures, including taking temperatures, wearing masks and washing hands frequently.除了测温、戴口罩以及勤洗手等常规防控举措以外,员工之间应当保持至少1米的安全距离。


    Facilities seeing confirmed infections will be shut down temporarily and workers identified as suspected cases or close contacts should undergo medical observations. Their workplaces or dormitories should also be locked down.发现确诊病例的场所应暂时关闭,并对疑似病例和密切接触者进行医学观察,对其所在的车间和宿舍进行封闭。

    水陆两栖大飞机 large amphibious aircraft

    China's homegrown AG600 large amphibious aircraft, codenamed Kunlong, succeeded in its maiden flight over sea on Sunday morning in Qingdao, east China's Shandong province, said State-owned plane-maker Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). The successful maiden flight from the sea is a major step forward in the development of this large amphibious aircraft following its maiden flight in 2017 and first takeoff from a water reservoir in 2018, said the AVIC.航空工业集团宣布,中国自主研制的大型水陆两栖飞机“鲲龙”AG600于7月26日上午在山东青岛成功实现海上首飞。这是AG600飞机继2017年陆上首飞、2018年水上首飞之后,又迈出的关键一步。


    “鲲龙”AG600是我国研制的可用于森林灭火(forest firefighting)和水上救援(marine rescue)的大型水陆两栖飞机(large amphibious aircraft),具有速度快、机动性好、搜索范围广、搜索效率高、安全性好、装载量大等特点。

    森林灭火时,它可多次往返高效率投水灭火,20秒内可一次汲水12吨(collect 12 tons of water in 20 seconds),单次投水救火面积可达4000余平方米,接近一个足球场的面积。海上救援时,“鲲龙”可快速响应、到达,在复杂气象条件下实施救援,起降抗浪能力不低于2米,可一次救助50名海上遇险人员(carry 50 people during search-and-rescue missions)。

    “鲲龙”与我国运—20大型运输机(the Y-20 transport plane)、C919大型喷气式客机(the C919 jetliner)一起,被称为中国大飞机“三剑客”。

    Codenamed Kunlong, the AG600 is a key aeronautical equipment in China's emergency rescue system, said the AVIC.航空工业集团表示,“鲲龙”AG600是国家应急救援体系的重大航空装备。

    The AG600 is designed to meet the country's demands for forest firefighting, marine rescue and other critical emergency rescue missions. It is also the first time that China's aviation industry has developed a special-mission large civil aircraft model.“鲲龙”AG600是我国为满足森林灭火和水上救援以及其他紧急救援任务的迫切需要研发的,同时也是我国航空业首次研发执行特殊任务的大型民用航空器。

    航空工业集团副总经理陈元先表示,AG600项目将开展灭火型试验(firefighting test),计划2023年完成灭火型研制,并尽早投入使用。

    规模以上工业企业利润 profits of industrial companies with annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan

    Profits of industrial companies with annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan rose by 4.8 percent year on year in the second quarter, reversing the 36.7-percent decline in the first quarter, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said on Monday.国家统计局7月27日发布的数据显示,二季度规模以上工业企业利润同比增长4.8%,一季度为下降36.7%,由降转升。


    规模以上工业企业是中华人民共和国自1996年开始使用的一个统计学术语,与“规模以下”相对,2011年1月起用于代指年主营业务收入人民币2000万元及以上的全部工业企业(industrial companies with annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan)。

    In June alone, major industrial firms saw their profits rise by 11.5 percent to 666.55 billion yuan, widening by 5.5 percentage points from that in May.6月全国规模以上工业企业实现利润总额6665.5亿元,同比增长11.5%,增速比5月份加快5.5个百分点。


    Faster growth in industrial production and sales, narrowing of the decline in prices for industrial products, lowering of the cost per 100 yuan of operating revenue posted by major industrial enterprises, and significant improvement in profits of key industries including iron and steel, oil and gas drilling and nonferrous metals.生产销售增长加快;工业品价格降幅收窄;规模以上工业企业每百元营业收入中的成本下降;钢铁、油气开采、石油加工、有色等重点行业利润大幅改善。


    In the second quarter, profits in 37 of the 41 industrial sectors surveyed showed improvements compared with that in the first quarter, with 25 of them reporting profit growth, according to the NBS.国家统计局数据显示,二季度,41个工业大类行业中,37个行业利润增速比一季度加快,其中25个行业利润实现增长。

    Equipment and high-tech manufacturing were among the sectors that saw the most visible recovery, with profits in high-tech manufacturing expanding by 34.6 percent year on year, rebounding from a 17.1-percent decrease in the first quarter.利润回升最显著的行业为装备制造业和高技术制造业。二季度,高技术制造业利润增长34.6%,为增速最高的行业板块,而一季度为下降17.1%。

    The decline of profits in raw material manufacturing in Q2 narrowed sharply due to the progress in infrastructure projects, and higher prices of relevant products.二季度,受基建项目加快推进、主要大宗原燃材料产品价格回升等因素影响,原材料制造业利润降幅明显收窄。


    Despite the recovery, enterprises still face difficulties in their production and operations as the COVID-19 epidemic has dampened demand, Zhu said.尽管二季度工业企业利润状况明显恢复向好,但总体看,受新冠肺炎疫情冲击影响,市场需求依然偏弱,企业生产经营仍然面临不少困难。

    Noting that the global spread of COVID-19, as well as trade uncertainties, may dampen the continued recovery in industrial profits, Zhu called for full implementation of policies to shield enterprises against COVID-19 fallouts, and consolidating the upturn of the industrial economy.当前,全球疫情仍在持续蔓延,国际经贸形势复杂严峻,工业利润增长的持续性仍存在不确定性。下阶段,仍需积极贯彻落实各项援企助企政策,不断巩固工业经济回升向好势头。

    移交逃犯协定 fugitives transfer agreements


    Canada, Australia and Britain, on the pretext of China's passage of the law on safeguarding national security in the HKSAR, have unilaterally suspended their respective agreements with Hong Kong on fugitives transfer, grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, and seriously violated international law and basic norms governing international relations, Wang said, noting that China firmly opposes this.汪文斌说,近日,加拿大、澳大利亚和英国以中国制定香港特区维护国家安全法为借口,单方面宣布暂停与香港特区签订的《移交逃犯协定》。此举粗暴干涉中国内政,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,中方对此坚决反对。


    这里的unilaterally来源于形容词unilateral,即“单方面的,单边的”,比如:take unilateral action(单方面采取行动)。在外交领域常用的相关词汇还有:bilateral(双边的,双方的),比如:bilateral relations(双边关系),bilateral trade agreement(双边贸易协定)等;multilateral(多边的,多方面的),比如:multilateral agreements(多边协议),multilateral trade talks(多边贸易谈判)等。

    He added that with the assistance and authorization of the central government, the HKSAR has actively rendered assistance to Canada, Australia and Britain in accordance with the HKSAR Basic Law and within the framework of the treaties.他表示,一直以来,香港特区在中央政府协助和授权下,根据基本法,在《协定》框架下向加方、澳方和英方提供了积极协助。

    The politicization of judicial cooperation with HKSAR by Canada, Australia and Britain has severely damaged the foundation for the HKSAR to carry out judicial cooperation with the three countries and has deviated from safeguarding justice and the rule of law via judicial cooperation, Wang said.加方、澳方和英方将对港司法合作政治化的错误行径,严重损害了香港特区同加拿大、澳大利亚和英国之间开展司法合作的基础,偏离司法合作维护正义和法治的宗旨。


    固定搭配deviate from something表示“偏离(之前的计划、路线等)”,比如:He planned his schedule far in advance, and he didn't deviate from it. (他提前很久就安排好了日程,而且一直没有变动。)He was determined to become a doctor and never deviated from that ambition. (他的志向是成为一名医生,矢志不渝。)

    Therefore, the Chinese side has decided to suspend the HKSAR's fugitives transfer agreements and agreements on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters with Canada, Australia and Britain, Wang said.为此,中方决定香港特区暂停港加、港澳、港英《移交逃犯协定》,同时决定,香港特区暂停港加、港澳、港英《刑事司法互助协定》。

    合同纠纷 contract dispute


    Travel businesses should arrange accommodations for tourists stranded by the COVID-19 epidemic, said the circular, specifying that tourists should bear the expense for extra accommodations, and that travel businesses should share added transport costs as a result of the stranding.通知指出,因疫情或者疫情防控措施造成旅游者滞留的,旅游经营者应当采取相应的合理安置措施,因此增加的食宿费用由旅游者承担,增加的返程费用由旅游经营者与旅游者分担。


    Accommodation常见的用法有两个,一个是指出行时解决我们基本生活问题的“食宿”,通常用复数形式,比如:tourist accommodations on the boat(船上游客的食宿),overnight accommodations(过夜食宿)等;另一个指“顺应、适应”,比如:He changed his schedule for the accommodation of his clients.(他为了方便客户,改变了自己的日程安排。)


    Businesses and tourists were encouraged to settle disputes by adjusting some terms of their contracts through negotiations, said the circular. Specific changes include postponing the execution of the contract or changing service packages.旅游经营者、旅游者应尽可能通过协商变更旅游合同部分条款来解决纠纷,具体变更包括,延期履行合同、替换为其他旅游产品等。

    If the two sides in dispute fail to reach an agreement, travel businesses should offer tourists refunds after deducting commissions that have been paid to subcontractors and cannot be refunded, the circular said.若双方不能协商一致,旅游经营者应当在扣除已向地接社或者履行辅助人支付且不可退还的费用后,将余款退还旅游者。


    Refund这个词可以说是“一词多能”,既可以用来表示“退款”这个动作(动词),也可以表示“退款”这件事(名词),还能表示拿到的“退款”那笔钱(名词)。看几个例子就明白了:The holiday was cancelled so the travel agency had to refund everybody the price of the tickets.(假期取消了,旅行社要按照票价给所有人退款。)I took the radio back to the shop and asked for/demanded a refund.(我把收音机拿回店里,要求退款。)This is the refund of your fare.(这是退给您的车票钱。)

