University of Mobile

University of Mobile学费:$31,650每年

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录取率 未公布


















【简介】 University of Mobile

【专业】 University of Mobile

  • University of Mobile相关问题


    1). 追根溯源法
    There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones?
    这个题目中给出的话题是mobile phone,所以考生可以从它产生的原因来考虑,就是科技的繁荣,而科技的繁荣,手机的广泛使用是在20世纪末,这样背景句就有内容可写了。当然要通过相应的句型来写了。如
    … (time) witnessed …
    这个背景句就可以写成: The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone.
    Nowadays, some universities offer students skills that assist them to find employment, but some people believe that the main function of a university should be to provide students with access to knowledge for its sake. What is your opinion?
    这题要求大家讨论大学是提供职业技能还是传授知识。那从传统观点来看,大学是传授知识的地方,为什么会提出要传授技能呢,所以这里考生也可以用追根溯源法思考下,大家肯定可以想到是由于找工作已经成为当今教育的目的之一了,所以很多大学就转移到以传授技能为主了。那当然还是要结合句型,这里可以用as 引导的原因状语从句。
    参考:As job-hunting has become one of the main purposes of university education, the majority of the universities tend to offer vocational trainings to prepare the students for their future career.
    2). 重述法。
    Nowadays, people are facing more and more work-related stress. State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to combat it。
    本题的话题关于压力,那考生可从当前社会现象来考虑这个问题,考生不难想出当下对压力这一现象的情况,即很多人都在承受着或多或少的压力。可用it is generally believed that … 形式主语的句型。
    参考: It is generally believed that white-collar as well as blue-collars workers are suffering from psychological and physical stress stemming from work.
    Environmental problem is too big for individual countries and individual people to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
    本题话题为环境问题,考生也可用重述法对当前环境问题进行重述,这时,可以用In modern society/ At present, 等表时间的介词短语来引导一个叙述句型。
    参考:In modern society, environment related issues have confronted ecological scientists, government agencies and the general public.
    3). 定义法。
    The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they should not waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such as computer software, videos and DVDs. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
    It is generally believed that public libraries are places with a large collection of books; however, the digital time has given it a new means of storing and retrieving information.

  • 创新大学英语mobile marvels翻译

    全句是“The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon." 这句话来源于1988年的葡萄牙语小说《炼金术士》的一句台词。

  • 要去韩国成均馆大学读研,请问mobile computing这个专业怎么样?


  • 大学英语作文1.pc 2.mobilephone 3.private car

    Computers have brought about many changes in our world. With the devek,pment of science and technology, the use of eleclronic computers is growing year by year in various fields of man' s activities. They have been of great help in scietific rescarch and engi neering They can do at a very high speed the calculations too complicated for a man to do in a few days or even in a few years.
    Once it is given a plogram, a computer can operate automatically at a high speed. Not only can the computer gather call aim store them as fast as they are gathered and can pour them our whenever they are needed.
    However, computers are not replacing us. Even though computers are taking over some of the tasks their were once accomplished by our own brains, they are nothing but machines. They will never take the place of man.

    Nowadays more and more families own private cars. Private cars, as the product of modem civilization, have been playing a vital role in people's daily activities. First, private cars are a convenient means of transportation. You can go wherever you like. Secondly, there is no doubt that private cars will have a great impact on the economic growth. The rapid car industry growth will contribute much to keeping the country's economy growing at a higher rate in the near futrue.
    But every coin has two sides. The development of the private cars will bring about a series of problems. For example, the polluted air given off by cars will do great harm to our health, too many private cars will lead to traffic jams and a great deal of energy will be wasted and so on.
    So I think we should take advantages of private cars and make them serve us better. Meantime we hope that satisfactory solutions to these negative problems will be found soon.


    We can see around us that more and more students are going to own a mobile phone .From NOKIA to SIEMENS, from national to imported, from low price to high price…… Collected By www•ii63·com
    As a communication device, the mobile phone benefits us a lot. We can use it to keep in touch with our families, our friends and our classmates wherever we are. In festivals, we can send short messages to wish good luck to other people we known. It brings us a lot of convenience. collected by II63·com
    As a coin has two sides, the mobile phone also has disadvantages. We spend too much time on spelling our words and sending short messages that we can't focus on our studies. Also, you will always be annoyed by strangers' calls one after another.
    In my opinion, we can use it. But we shouldn't spend too much time on it and don't let it disturb us from our studies. And we should not easily tell people our phone numbers who we don't recognize.

  • 大学英语精读预备级 第一册 5单元 mobile phones with manners课文翻译


  • University of Mobile相关资讯



    Hi 大家好,我是 Jolee 学姐,毕业于南加大的商业分析硕士项目。今天,我想以过来人的视角,跟大家分享下我在南加大的真实就读体验。

    强大的校友资源、独特的 field trip、各种名企的就业选择、吃货最爱的各式食堂…… 下面为大家一一介绍。



    提到加州,大家最先想到的通常是这里的阳光、海滩、还有自由冲浪的小姐姐小哥哥们。正因如此,人们对于南加州大学 (University of Southern California,简称 USC,又称南加大) 的印象也许是派对狂欢。

    然而,南加大其实是美国西海岸最古老的顶尖私立研究型大学。学校里的众多学院稳居全美前 10,而 USC 的综合实力也不容小觑。在最新的 QS 2020 美国大学排名中,南加大位列第 15。

    (截图源于 QS 排名官网)

    南加大的名气还来源于它独特的校友力量— 数量多、质量高。学校教职员和毕业生中共有 9 位诺贝尔奖得主、6 位麦克阿瑟天才奖得主、1 位图灵奖得主。被国人熟知的 USC 校友包括侯佩岑和陈妍希等。


    USC 有一个很大的特点,那就是热闹。从体育竞技到社团招募再到职业发展,大大小小的活动让刚开学的我眼花缭乱。短短几周就让我深刻体会到 USC 学生的特洛伊精神 (Trojan Spirit):勇敢、努力、奋斗。



    另外,USC 对于吃货们极其友好。学校内有大大小小几十个食堂(有卖奶茶哦)、餐厅、咖啡店。附近也有很多快餐品牌和餐饮车。中国学联很关注我们中国学生,会和很多华人区的中餐厅合作。同学们可以用专属手机 APP 下单,等待餐厅人员来学校送餐,也有不少其余的外卖选择。



    南加大 BA 项目的设置

    南加大的 BA(Business Analytics)项目是 Marshall 商学院的金牌项目。秋季入学,时长为一年半或两年,学生可自由选择完成时间。大部分同学会选择两年读完,这样课程不会太紧张,也能多一个学期找实习和全职工作。通常第二年的学业会比第一年轻松,所以很多同学也会在第二年边实习,或者边找工作边上课。

    整个课程的学分要求是 33 分,包括了 2/3 必修课(core)和 1/3 选修课(elective)。Core 的课程大部分是 statistics 和一些编程语言,如 SQL、Python、R 等等,也有个别商业的课程。

    选修课有一节可以选商学院以外的学院课,比如有些同学对于 technical 方面的东西想深入钻研,他们会在工学院(Viterbi)选一节 CS 之类的编程课,和工学院的大牛们夜夜促膝长谈、熬白头发。


    剩下的选修课必须在本学院内完成,在数据分析领域内有很多选择的方向,比如 Fraud, Marketing, Finance。在 Analytics 领域外也有课程可以选,比如纯 MBA 的一些课,和 MBA 的前辈们谈笑风生、叱咤职场。所以选修课完全可以按照个人职业规划来进行对于自己最有利的选择。

    BA 项目特色与就读压力


    作为一个已经开设 7 年的老牌项目,南加大 BA 项目的最大特色就是它的知名度和可靠程度。经过 7 年的累计和沉淀,不管是从课程设计、师资人员,还是就业资源、校友网络各个方面,USC BA 项目的实力相信已经不用我再赘述了。



    这样的小班制让每个学生都能得到老师的关注,而且项目 director 同时也是 professor。两年下来,所有的同学和 director 还有教授都打成一片,关系非常好,真的很像一家人。


    高门槛 = 高压力

    正因为录取门槛高,所以压力也不小。特别是像我这种没有任何编程背景的小白,第一学期真的要累疯了。感觉所有人的基础都比我好,我会在课外多花些时间去练习和做一些 side projects。

    但其实 BA 项目对于背景本身是没有硬性要求的,本科学任何科目的都可以申请。所以其实也有一些像我一样的同学们,大家一起努力,多多写码,也很快上手了。很多课会有小组项目,建议大家好好利用这些机会锻炼自己的实操能力。



    USC 的 BA 项目素来有“彩票项目”之称。一方面是因为学校的录取要求高,另一方面是真的有点难摸透招生官的喜好。


    平均 GPA 3.67、GRE 324、GMAT 726、托福 100+、雅思 7+。

    我个人背景是美高 + top 50 美本,所以不用考托福。GPA 3.8,GMAT 700,但是有一整年 BA 相关的工作经验和一些实习,还有很多学校社团经验。

    我本科 Pepperdine,不是数一数二的学校;GMAT 成绩也不是特别出色。但是我用了工作经历和 leadership 经验去凸显了我的长处,最终被录取。所以我建议大家 申请的时候好好思考一下自己的优势在哪里:学术?工作经验?领导能力?不管是什么,一定要凸显自己的优势和 unique value。



    我的同学背景挺丰富多彩的,不过感觉有不少是学商科和金融这一块的。每一届的背景都不太一样,我们这一届中国人达到 80、90%,不过下一届就一半左右吧。

    BA 项目大部分还是没有太多工作经验的应届本科生,不过实习经历都非常出色,各大金融、科技、投行公司都有。陆本和美本的占比在一半一半左右。


    Workshop & Career Service

    USC 向来很重视同学们的职业发展。BA 项目的第一个学期就有每周的 workshop,专门讲简历、求职方面的内容。商学院的 career service 也很负责,我们项目有专属的 advisor,专门负责 BA 专业同学的求职发展。


    刚开学的时候印象特别深刻,每周都有好多求职活动(可能那会儿是 recruiting season),各大公司的招聘会、信息讲座等等。求职压力从 Day 1 就非常大。

    但正是这样,我们所有同学都很早就有了找实习意识,也掌握了一些方法,所以才能抓住机会。而且 USC 校友真的很强大,好多同学都是靠校友找到了很好的实习。


    Field Trip:参观各类名企

    BA 项目每年都会选一些优秀学生去参加一个特殊的 field trip。我们这一届选了30 个人在春假的时候去了西雅图参观各大科技公司的总部,包括亚马逊、星巴克、T-Mobile、微软、Tableau。

    这期间不仅能直接接触到 recruiters,还能认识各公司的员工、高管。不仅极大程度上扩展了人脉,了解各公司的文化,还认识了许多学长学姐,为日后找工作打下基础。



    回国有很多去了百度、阿里、腾讯、字节跳动、美团这样的公司做数据分析。留在美国的也有加入 Google, Facebook, Amazon, LinkedIn 的。大部分职位都是数据分析,也有做数据科学家的。我自己拿到了 EY 洛杉矶办公室的 offer,做technology consulting。



    如果背景并不是很 technical,但是对数据分析很感兴趣、希望进入这个领域的同学们,那么 USC BA 这个包容性强的项目无疑是非常好的选择;如果已经有 BA 相关的背景,想要深入学习更多知识和技能的,也可以选择 USC BA 这样一个充满成长空间的项目。

    想要在数千位申请者中脱颖而出,加入这样一个非常 competitive 的项目的话,我建议首先从自身出发,审视一下自己的优缺点。梳理自己过去的经历之后,有方向性地打造自己的 application package,扬长避短,凸显优势。

    最后,祝你成功,加入 Trojan family!(USC 的校友力量真的会吓到你,选择 USC 不会后悔。)


  • 驻拉各斯总领馆发布调整领区新冠病毒核酸检测机构通知

    中国侨网8月5日电 据中国驻拉各斯总领事馆网站消息,近日,驻尼日利亚使领馆联合发布《关于提醒经有关国家中转赴华乘客根据要求做好核酸检测的通知》。中国驻拉各斯总领事馆在复核过程中,发现为数不少的无效核酸检测证明。为维护申领核酸码中国公民利益,确保复核工作准确有效,自8月8日起,驻拉各斯总领馆领区新冠病毒核酸检测机构将做以下调整,届时将不再为名单以外检测机构出具的核酸检测证明进行复核。



    1.机构名称:54 Gene实验室

    地址:No 17, Sybil Iroche Street, Lekki Phase1, Lagos

    联系方式:070 0054 4363(公共咨询及检测预约),070 6313 1057(实验室主任Ijeoma Onuoha)




    2.机构名称:O2 Medical Services

    地址:Plot 134 A, Festac Access Rd, opposite THE PLACE Restaurant, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos

    联系方式:080 2395 1033(公共咨询及检测预约);081 3137 3402(实验室经理秘书Opeyemi Oladunjoye)




    3.机构名称:Medbury Medical Services

    地址:B, Admiralty Road, Off Admiralty Way, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria

    联系方式:090 7036 6247,070 8460 7780





    地址:9 Egbeyemi Street, Ilupeju, Lagos

    联系方式:070 0026 7662;070 0079 6522;070 3178 7236(联系电话),081 6151 3386(联系人Martin)





    1.阿夸伊博姆州:Akwa Ibom State Molecular Laboratory

    2.阿南布拉州:Accunalysis Medical Diagnostics

    3.三角洲州:Delta Mobile Laboratory

    4.埃邦伊州:Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital

    5.埃多州:Irua Specialist Teaching Hospital

    6.埃多州:University of Benin Teaching Hospital

    7.伊莫州:Everight Diagnostics

    8.奥贡州:Afriglobal Medicare

    9.翁多州:Federal Medical Centre, Owo

    10.奥孙州:African Centre of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases

    11.河流州:Rivers State University Teaching Hospital

    12.河流州:University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital



  • 他山石5周年|智慧城市2.0: 硅谷的观点

    新冠疫情给世界带来了巨大的损失,传统意义上的智慧城市在新冠的冲击下溃不成军,似乎人工智能、智慧城市、大数据、基因编辑等概念溃不成军。他山石独家专家、硅谷精神布道师皮埃罗、硅谷人工智能研究院院长皮埃罗·斯加鲁菲教授提出智慧城市2.0概念 - 走向一个智慧安全城市建设的时代。







    The current Covid-19 emergency has highlighted how unprepared our cities are for cases of natural or human-made bioterrorism. The increased and faster movement of people across cities, countries and continents, and their increasing concentration in big cities, make it all but certain that deadly viruses will emerge and spread rapidly in the future and will become one of the biggest threats to lives and economies.


    Our cities have become “smart” with the injection of information and communication technologies, but now they need to become also “safe”. When a city goes under lockdown, all the emergency activities could be run by robots, as well as, ideally, many daily routines. Robots don't get infected, work 24 hours a day, and can be made in an unlimited number.


    This goal can be achieved with the development and interconnection of appropriate robots.



    Robots that can expand hospitals as well as build temporary housing for quarantined patients.

    建筑业(一个价值10万亿美元的全球产业)是依赖密集的劳动力、自动化程度最低的行业之一。根据2017年麦肯锡的研究报告《重塑建筑业》(Reinventing Construction)显示,2005至2015年间,建筑业数字化渗透的年平均增长率仅为4%,是所有行业中增速最低的行业之一。

    The construction industry (a $10 trillion global industry) is one of the least automated industries that depend on manual-intensive labor. According to the McKinsey report “Reinventing Construction” (2017), between 2005 to 2015 the construction industry posted an average year-over-year growth in digitization of 4%, one of the lowest of any industry.


    The construction worksite is generally the primary obstacle to robotic automation. Where this is not a major issue, construction robots already operate. Amsterdam, for example, in 2018 used robots to build the first ever 3D-printed bridge. Where the construction site is a major obstacle, remote-controlled robots can be employed. Robots that can build large buildings on demand don’t exist but we believe that the required technologies are mature enough. The combination of robots and 3D-printing is particularly attractive. This combination has been experimented by a few startups over the last few years. Mobile robotic arms that control a 3D-printer are already available: they follow the instructions provided by the designer and 3D-print an entire building.




    So far these are static robots that cannot transport the structure and install it next to other structures. That is the next step if we want to remove the human presence in the construction site.


    We also need to remove the presence of human supervisors and this can be done via telepresence, using drones to generated 3D maps of construction sites (like San Francisco-based Skycatch does for Japan’s Komatsu). The state of California has been studied robotic construction since the fires of Santa Rosa (2017) and Paradise (2018) that destroyed entire towns, therefore creating the need for immediate construction of new housing for thousands of people. We have been involved in such studies with the state of California.


    Robots that can replace nurses and doctors in hospitals.

    这样的需求已经存在——据美国劳工统计局(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)估计,对护士岗位需求的增长速度已经快于大多数工作岗位。2018年,美国退伍军人事务部(U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)发现,96%的诊所不止一次出现了“严重”的职业短缺现象。一些国家未来面临着老年人口增加,而护理人员却不足的情况。

    The demand was already there: the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that jobs for nurses are already growing faster than most jobs, and in 2018 the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs found that 96 percent of its clinics reported at least one “severe” occupational shortage. Several countries face a future of an increasing elderly population paired with an insufficient amount of healthcare workers able to care for it.

    幸运的是,用于医院护士自动化的“护士机器人”已经在医院中投入使用,其技能也在不断提高。我们估计,2019年像Moxi(由Diligent Robotics设计)、YuMi(由瑞士ABB集团制造)和TUG(由Aethon制造)这样的护士机器人可以完成30%的不涉及与患者互动的任务。它们主要是做些跑腿的活,比如给患者送药和食物托盘、采集血液和尿液样本并将样本送到实验室、更换床单、装卸离心机等,当然还包括对地板进行吸尘和清洗。这些护士机器人都配有内置的地图和传感器,可以在医院大厅中进行导航,而且它们能与电梯、警报器和自动门进行无线通信。

    Luckily, “nursebots” for hospital nurse automation are already employed in hospitals and their skills are improving. In 2019 we estimate that nursebots like Moxi (designed by Diligent Robotics), YuMi (made in Switzerland by ABB) and Tug (made by Aethon) could take care of 30% of the tasks that don’t involve interacting with patients, mostly running errands around the floor like delivering medications and food trays to patients, picking up blood and urine samples and dropping off specimens to the laboratory, replacing linens, loading and unload centrifuges, and of course vacuuming and washing floors. They are equipped with a built-in map and sensors to navigate hospital halls, and they communicate wirelessly with elevators, alarms and automatic doors.



    Larger robotic machines (like the well-publicized RIBA “bear” robot developed by Riken and Sumitomo Riko Labs in Japan) and/or exoskeletons (such as the ones designed by UC Berkeley’s Human Engineering and Robotics Laboratory, in particular the Austin project, and by Stanford’s Biomechatronics Laboratory) can be used to move patients around.


    Popular robots like Pepper and Dinsow already provide patient education and assist them in self-care (exercise and take medicines).

    由VGo和Suitable技术公司(或日本Kokoro公司的类人机器人Actroid)制造的远端临场机器人(Telepresence Robots)可以远程复制医生。

    Telepresence robots made by VGo and Suitable Technologies (or the humanoid Kokoro’s Actroids) can replicate a doctor in a distant location.


    In November 2019 a new hospital opened at Stanford with 23 delivery robots (for chores such as delivering laundry and taking out the trash) and 3 pharmacist robots (for chores like inventory of drugs and automatically generating new orders of drugs).


    Since 2011 UC San Francisco has been testing a robotic pharmacy where robots count and process medications. All these robots are limited to chores that don’t require interaction with humans. The next step is to equip patients with wearables that communicate wirelessly with the robots. The wearables will mediate the interaction between human patients and robots.


    Robots and drones to deliver food and medicines to self-quarantined people.


    This is a relatively easy technology to implement but needs to integrate warehouses, households, and government policies.



    Robots to detect and neutralize biological organisms in buildings.


    Hospital-acquired infection (HAI) front, but the war wages on as pathogens mutate to resist the latest antibiotics and disinfectants.


    HAIs are a significant problem. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a survey of acute care hospitals found 1 in 25 hospital patients has at least 1 HAI on any given day and that 75,000 deaths per year are due to HAIs.


    Leader in microbial desensitizing devices, UV-Disinfectant robots can also be used to sanitize EMS vehicles and medicopters, as well as in assisted living and extended care facilities.


    UV disinfection robots offer hospital grade full-room sterilization. Nursing homes, field hospitals, and biohazard zones could all be sanitized in a matter of minutes.


    The robots are fast and efficient, able to eliminate far more bacteria than humanly possible. Their ability to move around enables them to attack shadowed areas where many harmful organisms tend to manifest in places that are often missed by sanitization teams.



    Robots to grow food on demand.

    2019年,硅谷初创公司Iron Ox开始销售其机器人农场种植的产品,这种农场只需一英亩土地就可以实现相当于30英亩传统农业面积的生产力,而且就位于售卖产品的超市附近。

    In 2019 Silicon Valley startup Iron Ox started selling the produce grown in its robotic farm that can achieve the equivalent of 30 acres of traditional farming in just a single acre, and an acre located very near the supermarket where it is sold.


    Thanks to its “farm-bots” (including sowing robots, harvester robots, weedeater robots), in 2019 the Netherlands became to the world’s second-biggest food exporter after the USA. Remote-control apps like the one used by the open-source California project could allow humans to control the gardening operations from a distance.

    结合生物工程食品,机器人农场的生产力可能更高,甚至可以生产出更健康的食品。2019年,快餐连锁店汉堡王(Burger King)在其菜单中添加了一种由硅谷初创公司Impossible Foods生产的植物性汉堡,具有肉类的味道。向生产素肉的转变还有一个额外的好处,那就是不仅将减少温室气体排放、还能减少对高达95%的水及土地的使用。

    Combined with bioengineered food, the robotic farm could be even more productive, and produce even healthier food than we produce today. In 2019 the fast-food chain Burger King added to its menu a plant-based burger made by Silicon Valley startup Impossible Foods with a bioengineered taste of meat. The shift to cultured meat has the additional advantage of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and of decreasing the use of water and land by as much as 95%.


    Robots to diagnose diseases.


    Epidemiology has been a target for machine learning since the early days because epidemiology is about recognizing patterns.


    In 2019 the University of Georgia published the results of using their system Random Forest to identify the source of Salmonella outbreaks. In 2018 Google published the promising results of using “Finder”, a machine-learning system for real-time detection of foodborne illness. The biggest success story has been the system by AIME (Artificial Intelligence in Medical Epidemiology, a spinoff of the Singularity University) which was deployed in 2018 against outbreaks of dengue fever in Malaysia with a nearly 85% accurate prediction rate. The Canadian health monitoring platform Bluedot in 2016 correctly predicted the location of the Zika outbreak in South Florida and in January 2020 correctly predicted that Covid-19 would jump from Wuhan to Thailand, Taiwan, Korea and Japan simply by checking airline ticketing data.


    通过将自然语言处理、基因数据库和机器学习相结合,我们可以建立一个扫描社交媒体和本地新闻的系统,以识别疑似流行病,然后确定其源头。就在新冠肺炎疫情爆发前几个月,《公共卫生与紧急事件》(Journal of Public Health and Emergency)杂志出版了一期特刊(2019年6月,第3卷),介绍了数字工具在传染病流行病学中,特别是针对非典(SARS)和中东呼吸综合征(MERS)等病例的使用。

    By combining natural-language processing, genetic databases and machine learning, we could build a system that scans social media and local news to identify suspected epidemics and then identify the source. Just a few months before the Covid-19 outbreak, the Journal of Public Health and Emergency devoted a special issue (Vol 3, June 2019) to the use of digital tools for infectious disease epidemiology, specifically for cases such as SARS and MERS.


    Real-time biosensors.


    In order to contain the spreading of an epidemic, cities need to quickly screen people at hospitals and emergency clinics but currently available methods to detect viruses are laborious and slow.


    Luckily, universities such as Stanford University and University of Twente in the Netherlands are developing ultrasensitive real-time biosensors that could potentially be used in a handheld device or in a wearable device to detect infections and measure their concentration in just a few minutes or even in real time.


    A wave of portable biosensors already provides frequent measurement of health-related physiology to monitor human physiological changes during various activities and their potential role in managing health and diagnosing and analyzing disease. We attended the Stanford Biosensor Workshop of 2019 where several wearable electrochemical devices for noninvasive biosensing were presented and discussed.


    Robots to cordon off infected areas.


    This is probably the easiest component of the system, as self-driving and remote-controlled vehicles would be easy to implement in neighborhoods that are supposed to be free of humans.


    Use blockchain to control robot interactions and make sure they don't get hijacked.


    These robots need to be trusted. The issue of trust is at the core of blockchain technology.


    Interaction among robots can be viewed as “smart contracts” and controlling that two robots have performed their joint tasks can be viewed as verifying that a contract has been properly executed.


    The technicalities were discussed at the MIT’s Symposium on Blockchain for Robotic Systems in December 2019. The whole system represents a “complex adaptive system” that will require a sophisticated blockchain protocol.


    We want to design and validate the networking protocol according to the PRESTO framework for blockchain security introduced in 2018 by the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Optimality: does the protocol achieve its main goals? Stability: are the incentives of its participating agents well-aligned? Efficiency: is its output maximal relative to its use of resources? Robustness: can it cope when its operational assumptions are invalid or perturbed? Persistence: can it recover from catastrophic events?



    The implementation of this program can be achieved in many ways. Here are some models of cooperation.

    1. 在硅谷或香港设立投资基金,用于投资开发此类机器人的机器人初创公司,并为新兴科技公司寻找商业发展机会,使其能够在流行病威胁突然爆发的情况下协助隔离、消毒、运送和医疗援助(我们乐观地认为,美国将取消对诸如此类人道主义目标投资的任何限制)。

    An investment fund in Silicon Valley or in Hong Kong to invest in robotic startups that develop such robots, and to identify business development opportunities for emerging technology companies able to assist with quarantine, disinfection, delivery and medical assistance in situations of sudden outbreak of pandemic threat. (We are optimistic that the USA would lift any restrictions to an investment with humanitarian goals like this one).


    What investors get: full access to the technology and a % if these startups make money. Let's say that Beijing invests in our fund. Beijing gets privileged access to all the startups in which the fund invests. Beijing gets a % of the fund's profits. Beijing can either use the robots developed by these startups or transfer the know-how to Chinese startups under favorable conditions.

    2. 在硅谷建立实验室,开发这样的机器人:内部开发,美国和中国初创企业成立合资企业、与大学合作等。城市可以派遣工程师、经理、企业家与硅谷和国际专家一起合作。实验室将向每位参观者收取适度的月费(包括住宿),并共同拥有实验室开发的产品。参与者得到的是:他们的工程师帮助开发的产品的专有技术和共同所有权(与他们的贡献成正比)。

    Establishment of a laboratory in Silicon Valley for the development of such robots that will do: in-house development, joint ventures with US and Chinese startups, collaborations with universities, etc. Cities can send their engineers, managers, enterpreneurs to work with Silicon Valley and international specialists. The lab will charge a modest monthly fee for each visitor (including lodging) and co-own the products developed by the lab. What participants get: the know-how and co-ownership of the products that their engineers help develop (proportional to how much they contributed).


    Establishment of such a laboratory in Hong Kong. Disadvantage: more difficult access to Silicon Valley resources.
